Fiorella Mannoia and the post on migrants against Matteo Salvini: "They are unhappy …"


  Salvini "title =" Fiorella Mannoia Salvini Matteo "/> 
<figcaption clbad= Fiorella Mannoia vs. Matteo Salvini and the Migrants Issue

Fiorella Mannoia is now the artist who openly stood against the political decisions of Matteo Salvini The leader of the League has closed the ports to the migrants and Fiorella does not agree

Also Fiorella Mannoia openly sided against Matteo Salvini ] or rather against his decisions on immigration In our country there are many VIPs who criticized the maneuvers of Matteo Salvini, just think of Chief Rubio Claudio Amendola Lilli Gruber and many others.In summary, the criticism does not come only from the opposition or the leaders of other countries

Fiorella pro open ports

This time, the singer s & # 39; is clearly arranged against Matteo Salvini: Fiore lla Mannoia has published an article in which she clarifies n her clear position. But many know that Fiorella sympathizes with the 5-star movement. How does this criticize Salvini? At present, the leader Di Maio and Salvini are working together for the new government and the decision is how they took both.

Mountains of critics have indeed rained on the singer who did not catch and who left. Obviously, he did not expect that many Italians, and many of his fans, look favorably on the closing of Italian ports.

The post against Salvini

On Twitter, the singer published a photo of a wrecked ship accompanied by a legend that sounds almost like a prophecy.

The first fruits are gathered. Sleep well.

– fiorella mannoia (@FiorellaMannoia) 29 June 2018

In short, even if the singer does not express the name of Matteo Salvini, it is more that clear reference to the Minister of the Interior, that we know, is doing everything to prevent the entry of other migrants into our country.

The fans, most of them, have severely criticized her and someone also reminded her that she did not sympathize Luigi Di Maio and the 5-star movement. In relation to these critics, Mannoia replied: "The Mediterranean is a huge cemetery, no one cares about those unfortunate people, not even you who are now hunted by the witches, who make the proscription lists. on the right side.You also make it a political question, like everyone else "

Words that make us think about it

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