First kidney transplant in Foggia, except in a 54-year-old patient


The Ospedali Riuniti of Foggia was the first kidney transplant performed yesterday and it seems to be a very important news that has excited everyone in the field of scientific health. The transplantation of the Pope was also defined since the Holy Father will arrive in Bari in the coming hours as well as testimony of donations of organs. In the late afternoon, a donor seems to have been reported by the resuscitation of the Policlinico di Bari to the regional transplantation coordination headed by Professor Loreto Gesualdo who initiated the procedure standard in these cases and was lertata l & # 39; surgical team of the urology structure in front of the Policlinico di Bari, which apparently proceeded at night to collect the organs, at the same time the team identified about 2 compatible patients on the list of Waiting time built by more than 500 dialysis patients. 19659002] It seems that one of the two patients arrived at the Foggia Transplant Center as established in the regional program between the two university hospital societies. The coordination activity for patient preparation appears to have been achieved by the nephrology structure of dialysis and transplantation to the Policlinico di Foggia headed by Professor Giacomo Grandaliano

. He stated that the transplant performed represents a moment of great success. Organizational commitment that saw the collaboration of different specialists from different disciplines to ensure the success of the operation that can change the lives of patients. The renal transplantation was carried out by Professor Giuseppe Carrier the director of the urological clinic and the kidney transplant center Together with all his team

The same sequel to the transplant was concluded with great success Ha stated: "The kidney transplant, taken from a 56-year-old donor in Bari, in a 58-year-old patient, provided for an intervention of just over two hours, without complications and with functional recovery. After the operation, the patient was transferred to the Transplant Center of Policlinico di Foggia, where he is under close observation by the medical staff.We hope that this is the beginning of a transplant program designed to remove more and more patients from the dialysis prison. " Congratulations and best wishes From the President of the Apulia Region, Michele Emiliano, the Mayor of Foggia Franco landella and the Coordinator of the Loreto Gesualdo Regional Transplant Center. n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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