FOLLIA UNO, Parmigiano Reggiano, raw ham, extra virgin olive oil similar to smoke


Parmigiano Reggiano, Parma ham, but also pizza, wine and olive oil. Whatever has always been the expression of our typical cuisine, PDO products may be labeled as a pack of cigarettes in September.

The World Health Organization and the UN pledged to reduce cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer by more than a third by 2030. Is focused on nutrition. We are what we eat (as Umberto Veronesi said) but we will eat the right foods, not those that have always been the symbol of authenticity. Parmigiano Reggiano is one of the rare cheeses not to have preservatives. It is a source of calcium, pure energy. Is there too much room for the parameters of WHO ? And why do they want to label it as a food that seriously harms health? Madness .

You should look at the kitchens overseas, how it is cooked in fast food where instead of extra virgin olive oil are used fats of the origin doubtful, which certainly do not help for cardiovascular diseases. We are talking about saturated fats, alcohol, salt. Think of Prosciutto Crudo . But also to Prosciutto Cotto to Mortadella . In a balanced diet, all these foods can exceed something, but they are not foods that can hurt in a Mediterranean diet that combines the first, fruits and vegetables, but also carbohydrates

on September 27 to New York. The United Nations will discuss a resolution to invite states to restrictive measures on saturated fats, salt and sugars. The guidelines could provide for additional taxation on products containing saturated fats, sugars and salt on certain thresholds. The idea is to introduce nutritional labeling. 85% of Italian PDOs, including excellent products such as extra virgin olive oil or Parmigiano Reggiano, Parma ham, would be penalized and brought to light by consumers around the world, [19659002] In September in New York will be held this meeting at the United Nations General Assembly at the level of Heads of State and Government to address issues related to noncommunicable diseases. It is here that the proposal on which the UN will include danger warnings on the packaging of many food products such as those currently present on cigarettes will be put to the vote.

"Comparing Parmigiano Reggiano with cigarettes is nonsense, the fight against diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease is correct, it is not to spread false and superficial information". The reaction of the Consorzio del Parmigiano Reggiano is very hard

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 ] Maurizio Murgia


Journalist journalist registered in the Lazio Register. Drafting Expert Motors and New Technologies

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