Food allergies, when can they become life-threatening?


She died of anaphylactic shock. Chiara Ribechini was 23 years old and, after having dined at a restaurant in Pontedera, in the province of Pisa, she had a violent respiratory crisis and the arrival of the ambulance did not result in a sudden death. is not dead. The cause of the anaphylactic shock could have been a bruschetta: in the slice of bread used to prepare it, it would have been contained a very small part of the milk, to which the girl was allergic. But it will be the autopsy, ordered by the prosecutor, to clarify the causes of death

Of food allergy is affected 2 – 4% of the adult population and 6 – 8% of children in the first years of life. It is an immunological reaction to normally tolerated dietary proteins called allergens. It involves IgE, antibodies specific for the allergic reaction and may have mild or severe symptoms. But when can he become mortal? We talked about it with the doctor Paola Minale of the Hospital Policlinico San Martino of Genoa, referent for food allergies of Aaiito (Association of Allergists of Italian Territorial Immunological Hospitals and Hospitals)

"High risk patients, they are responsible for recognizing the symptoms that should alert them, to immediately call the 112 and use the necessary medication, adrenaline. It works, "he explains. "But the important thing is to use it in a timely manner."

How does anaphylactic shock occur?
"It's the most serious allergic reaction: it's fast and can cause death in minutes.This happens because the body comes into contact with the allergen, which can be a protein Specific antibodies recognize this and activate a reaction with characteristic symptoms, urticaria and pruritus, which are badociated with manifestations in other organs and systems, such as respiratory failure, obstructive rhinitis, gastrointestinal symptoms, vomiting and diarrhea.In the most severe cases, it is also the cardiovascular system.Anaphylaxis occurs precisely because more devices and systems are involved It can be fatal if respiratory failure is not treated or resolved or if the pressure drops so much that the heart can no longer pump blood.This is why it is important to position the l patient in supine position. "

What are the symptoms that should alert you?
" Itching, palms and feet or bads, hives, lowering of pressure, dizziness and feeling of unconsciousness, edema of the glottis and inability to breathe. These symptoms can occur quickly. "

What is the difference between an allergy and an intolerance?
" These are two different ways the body reacts to foreign substances. If, for example, a patient has intolerance to milk, he has an enzyme deficiency that prevents lactose from digesting. According to the times, he can tolerate food or not. But if a person has an allergy, that is, specific antibodies to the allergenic protein, the reaction will always be there, and the risk can also be high. "

Are there different levels of risk? Arriving at an accurate diagnosis, which allows us to predict the risk that each patient faces.The problem is that the proliferation of non-accredited tests means that the diagnosis n & # It is not accurate, and therefore the real risk can not be predicted.For that, we must turn to the allergist, the only one who can make an accurate and focused diagnosis and badess the risk of each patient. "

How old is the first time food allergy?
"More often occurs in early childhood, although many children, aged 6 or 7, find a tolerance to foods to which they are allergic. But it is also possible that allergy manifests itself when one is now an adult. That for allergens like fish and nuts is more sustainable. "

Who Suffers to Eat Safe in the Restaurant?"
"Since 2014, regulations have required restaurant owners to report allergens on the menu, but this obligation is still neglected, and its scope and importance are not understood. Unfortunately, many still do not know how much the health of customers may be at risk. For restaurateurs, failing to accurately report the presence of an allergen can have legal repercussions with penalties, but cases like the one in question come under criminal law. For a very sensitive patient, small amounts may be sufficient to represent a hazard. "


Allergies, relieve while eating


Aldo Montano at the hospital:" This allergy kills "

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