Food and tumors, here are some foods that should be limited or eliminated


For years, many studies and international research have focused on understanding how food can influence the onset or absence of certain diseases

More recently, a large study of the University of Florida has shown an important link between good nutrition and a decreased risk of dying from cancer

The research in question was focused on diet, without focusing only on some foods traditionally considered more harmful.

The experts, from 1988 to 1994, examined the data of about 34,000 Americans who compiled complete questionnaires every year on their health status and eating habits.

According to the results, they were 65% more likely not to die because of cancer . In addition, this figure was maintained at these levels, even when the researchers considered other variables

Based on these studies and other similar studies, the Global Fund for Cancer Research has been the spokesperson for the process for over 10 years. systematic review of the scientific literature on nutrition and tumors; and recently drafted new prevention guidelines that report the foods that feed tumors.

A healthy diet that prevents heart disease as well as cancer, it is especially important to drastically reduce the intake of animal fats and proteins while favoring the consumption of fats and animal proteins . foods rich in vitamins and fiber

For this you must bring at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day; give preference to the choice of cereals, bread, pasta and rice, complete and always combine with some legumes.

Amongst the foods that nourish tumors, there are all those that are dried, fermented, smoked, treated with preservatives or others. ways to improve its flavor or preservation such as hot dogs, salami, sausages, cold cuts in general, but also canned or salted meat. Processed red meat has been clbadified as carcinogenic by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) and has been badociated with the risk of colorectal and gastric cancer.

Alcohol should be completely eliminated but if you really can not do without it, the suggestion is not to exceed two poor glbades of a medium-grade wine for the men and a drink for women.

salt consumption : it is recommended to limit salt consumption to 5 grams per day, ie about one teaspoon (2 grams of sodium).

Try to avoid as much as possible the consumption of sugar, which promotes the onset of obesity and this pathology, as we know, increases the risk of developing bad tumors (after the menopause), intestine, prostate, pancreas, kidney, liver, ovarian, endometrium, and esophagus (adenocarcinoma).

but what makes a food harmful to health? In some cases, it depends on the presence in some foods of substances that promote the development of the disease, such as nitrites and nitrates used for sausage preservation, for example, which facilitate the onset of cancer of the body. 39; stomach.

the foods themselves would not be harmful, but could be contaminated with substances such as aflatoxins, released from certain molds in corn or other poorly preserved cereals and legumes. In some developing countries, aflatoxins are responsible for a significant proportion of liver tumors.

In addition, researchers, to make these guidelines more practical, also talked about quantity. It is necessary to take 50-100 kcal less per day against weight gain; Achieving or maintaining adequate body weight is, in fact, one of the most important measures to reduce the risk of cancer

Naturally, everything is essential to good physical activity: experts recommend practicing at least 150 minutes a week of moderate physical activity. to be reduced to 75 so intense.

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