Food supplements, many are really useless?


Food supplements are concentrated foods that have no connection with drugs or doping substances.

They usually provide the necessary nutrients to supplement a suboptimal diet and may help to compensate for insoluble nutritional deficiency by modifying the diet. habitual, for example due to the inability to take certain foods due to chewing, swallowing or digestion disorders or for other health reasons

Vitamins, antioxidant compounds , minerals (potbadium, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper), amino acids and proteins, fiber, essential fatty acids (in particular, omega-3), as well as substances capable of supporting energy metabolism (such as creatine and carnitine).

In commerce, you can find in various ways: bars with sachets and fervescents, but also tablets to take orally or dissolve in the water . Usually, they can be taken once a day, but always on the advice of their doctor. It is advisable to take them by combining them with diet and exercise to achieve results.

In Italy there are 32 million consumers of supplements, 65% of the adult population, and our nation, the largest market in Europe, has generated a value of about 3 billion euros, in reference only to the official chain of pharmacy, and recorded an increase in consumption of only 6% last year.

Across Europe are taken in the illusion of countering the five conditions pathologies, diabetes, dementia, stroke, cardiovascular disease and neoplastic diseases, absorbing a total of one trillion. euros, an incredible figure that increases dramatically each month.

latest data published at the congress of Federsalus, the National Association of Producers and Distributors of Health Products, which involved the industry, doctors and pharmacists in the attempt to badert the utility dietary supplements, and demonstrate the role that these products may have in primary prevention

But if producers and distributors congratulate them for the increase in sales, are they really useful? There is scientific evidence on this subject

. Many scientific studies have shown that taking vitamins, for example, does not bring any benefit, showing that most nutrients end up directly in the toilet or are still being eliminated. According to the National Institutes of Health, excessive consumption of Vitamins A, C and E could even harm the body. According to the researchers, if you take high doses of beta-carotene, which is found in vitamin A, you could increase the risk of getting lung cancer, especially in smokers. On the other hand, an excess of vitamin E can have a negative impact on the possibility of contracting a prostate cancer or a cerebrovascular accident.

Moreover, although there is growing evidence of their ineffectiveness, drug companies remain free

However, although many supplements are unnecessary, there are still some. others with components that we can not take in sufficient quantity simply by following a healthy diet, and these can contribute to the well-being. General

Against the reckless and widespread use, even when there is no real need, the Sif, the Italian society of pharmacology, came into play, along with five other scientific societies denouncing the proliferation uncontrolled of these substances

The warning issued by the Journal of the American Medical Society (Jama) should also be mentioned: the problem but the main reason is that these specialties are sold without a prescription and without having to prove their validity or safety, such as the presence or absence of living contaminants, such as viruses, bacteria or toxic substances such as heavy metals and chemical impurities.

in good substance, therefore, to be sure to maintain the health of our body and provide all the nutrients it needs, the best choice is always to follow a healthy and balanced diet. In healthy foods, we can find everything our body needs; moreover, we must not forget to do physical activity every day.

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