For a healthy heart, do not smoke and more sexual activity


For a healthy heart, no smoke and for the sake of summer badual activity as a panacea. The first suggestion comes from a study conducted by Bjrknes University College in Oslo, Norway, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, which reviewed 29 previous searches for a total of more than 667,000 people involved, concluding that smoking increases by 32%. % risk of developing a heart rhythm disorder, atrial fibrillation (with an average risk that increases by 14% every ten cigarettes smoked per day). The second tip comes from the French Federation of Cardiology which, in view of the summer season, offers more free time to devote to their well-being, invites not to neglect the badual activity

As François underlines it Square, cardiologist at Rennes University Hospital "the benefits of regular badual activity for the heart are many: bad is a moderate physical effort comparable to the rise of 20 not at a rapid pace. physical activity, it helps to move the myocardium, that is to say the heart muscle, which removes toxins from the body. "

Sexual intercourse also has anti-stress and anti-depression virtues through the release of a multitude of hormones. dopamine and endorphins) during bad ". While Professor Claire Mounier-Vehier, president of the French Federation of Cardiology, emphasizes that "badual activity is an important element of the quality of life, even in patients with heart problems and his partner. Maintaining or resuming bad after a heart attack is important for the couple, acting both physically and morally. "

Monday, July 16, 2018, 21:21


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