Forty years after Louise Brown born in the test tube 8 million children – Health


Forty years after the birth of the first girl to test, the English Louise Brown, there are more than eight million babies born of medically badisted fertilization in the world. This is the updated figure presented on the occasion of the 34th Congress of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (Eshre) underway in Barcelona. The estimate, commented the specialists, "shows a strong increase in the use of IVF, or in vitro fertilization, for the treatment of infertility".

Eshre estimates, more than half a million children are born each year. year by medically badisted procreation (pma) IVF (in vitro fertilization) and Icsi (direct injection of a single sperm into the oocyte cytoplasm), as a result of more than 2 million cycles of pma treatments performed. In Europe, Spain is the most active country on the PMA front: in 2015, 119,875 treatment cycles were completed; followed by Russia (110,723 cycles), Germany (96,512 cycles) and France (93,918 cycles). The cycles followed by the EREE include treatments with IVF, ICSI and oocyte donation

Also in 2015, according to data presented at the Eshre Congress, about 800,000 cycles of pma treatment in the world have 157,449 children were born from badisted fertilization. Compared to other EU countries, notes the President of the European Eshre Consortium for IVF monitoring, Christian de Geyter, in Italy the availability of badisted procreation treatments is "considerably smaller"

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