Four months, double detachment of the retina: the ophthalmologists of Turin saved his sight


History with a happy ending for a four-month-old baby born seriously premature, at the twenty-third week, with only 600 grams of weight. The newborn, a native of Modena, suffered from a severe form of ROP, retinopathy of the premature, pathology that can lead to blindness. Despite a rapid treatment with cryotherapy carried out at the Modena hospital, the pathology evolved negatively and caused in the child a bilateral detachment of the retina, with a very high risk of losing sight. Transported to Turin, the little one, now weighing one pound and 800 grams, was operated at the High Specialization Center for the Rop by Giovanni Anselmetti, director of ophthalmology of Maria Vittoria Hospital.

"It is particularly complex" intervention in case of detachment of the retina – explains Dr. Giovanni Anselmetti – Previous treatments performed by colleagues in Modena had not given the expected results because the severity of the disease is directly proportional to the degree of prematurity.Our center is one of the few in Italy to have the latest generation experience and equipment to perform a timely vitrectomy, with the best chance of success.For minimally invasive vitrectomy, performed on the right eye and that lasts a little over an hour – precise – we used miniaturized instruments, caliber 0.5 mm, to destroy all the fibro-vascular membranes formed on the retina, cco, with all the difficulties of intervention on a child so small and compromised ".

Rop that affects premature babies (so children born before the end of the 37th week of pregnancy are considered) causes incomplete development of the retinal vessels at the time of birth and, often, also abnormal development, leading to formation of a scar tissue that can cause retinal detachment and lead to blindness, if you do not intervene quickly

"The Rop Center of Maria Vittoria – says the general director of ASL Città di Torino, Valerio Fabio Alberti – has been in business since 1984 and today there are about 600 operated cases, about 30 each year, including 15% of premature babies from outside, such as these little ones, who find hope to preserve their sight in the specialized center of Maria Vittoria ".

The Modena boy is currently hospitalized in stable conditions in the neonatal intensive care unit, where he will remain a few days before returning to the hospital near his home

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