Francesca Cipriani arrives at the eighth step of boobs, incredulous fans: "You have disappointed us"


On & # 39; Isola dei Famosi appeared to have succeeded in giving up Cipriani to demonstrate the true face of Francesca . But of course, once back in Italy, the character took over the person.

Or maybe not, Francesca Cipriani is like this: she likes so much to exaggerate that she decided to increase again one cuts her already prosperous bad, going from seventh to eighth

The confession from the old shipwreck, which surprised his own fans, arrives on the pages of DiPiù: " I had to remove some cysts in my chest but when j & rsquo Did a surgery I took the opportunity to enlarge the window sill " declared the blonde showgirl.

Cosmetic surgery may seem like an absurd exaggeration for most, for her is rather a new stage of a journey begun for years : " I've always wanted to be a greater – continues the Cipriani – and for q That's not the first time I intervened on my body. "

The news sparked the reaction many followers, who follow it on social networks that they do not miss comments rather hard . There are those who advise her not to point to the physical aspect, who asks her if these new forms make her happier and who indulges in free and irreplaceable offenses.

Francesca, however, seems to be satisfied with her new bad – that he hopes to help her find a soul mate – and to the journalist who is trying to understand the reason for this choice replied piccata: "I already know what he wants to tell me: she refers to herself because she's fragile, insecure and he's n & # 39; There are no limits, it can be, indeed it may be just like that. But do not you see what a beautiful chest ?! "

Will the Cipriani stop here or arrive at the ninth as some time ago?

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