Francesco Monte a Tale and what show? The anticipation of Parpiglia


  francesco monte verissimo Francesco Mounts a tale and what show? Gabriele Parpiglia announces that the old tronista is not present in the distribution

Francesco Monte will participate in the casting of Such and such show ? Although the old tronista of Men and Women and former shipwrecked of Isola dei Famosi is currently not called to participate in the program. Gabriele Parpiglia tells us through her Instagram account. The well-known reporter said that he was sorry for what he discovered. Just today, they told him that the cast was closed and for now he is not one of the competitors. According to Parpiglia, Francesco deserves the opportunity to return to television. Recall that Monte was forced to disqualify the last edition of the Island of Famous, as accused Eva Henger of having smoked grbad before landing on the island. # 39; island. The former tronista preferred to leave the program to defend against the charges. Many are the viewers who wanted to see Francesco live this reality, but this problem led to give up

Francesco Monte waiting for a new opportunity on television

"Today, they have told me that they have closed the distribution of this and that show and for the moment it is not among the competitors ". Thus Parpiglia announces that Monte will not participate in the program. A few weeks ago, Francesco was spotted while he was in the studios Rai for the auditions. It seems that the old tronista could not overcome them. In addition, in recent days, the former tronista said to be ready to recover his revenge, participating in a reality. "Francesco, deserves an opportunity He did not kill anyone" sued Parpiglia

After the island of the Famous, Monte ready to participate in a new reality

"But a clear concept must come to mind: What I want to do super? I'm afraid this question for him today can not be solved " The journalist wants to give Monte a good advice, which may not yet have been able to answer this question Probably Parpiglia noticed a little confusion in Francesco We just have to wait to find out what an opportunity will be in front of us. former shipwrecked

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