Francesco Monte / Alfonso Signorini asphalt: "Stop making fun!" (Big Brother Vip)


Francesco Monte is simply not there and, faced with the attacks of Alfonso Signorini, who lives at Big Brother Vip, springs up, calling him a real "court" against him. The warning of Signorini stems from the fact that, even though he says he does not care about Giulia Salemi from a sentimental point of view, he continues to look for her and stays close to her. she, thus fueling her feelings and confusion. "But stop making her suffer! Do not make fun." – The columnist of Big Brother Vip then blurted out, to clarify this – Nobody wants to make a lawsuit We are looking for a comparison with you Nobody wants to dismiss you . However, Alfonso's words annoyed Francis, who actually mumbled just after and during the commercial break announced by Ilary Blasi. (Updated by Anna Montesano)

Difficult evening for Francesco Monte

Difficult evening for Francesco Monte. After the clash with Elia Fongaro, the old tronista of Men and Women had to answer to Jane Alexander, very disappointed about the remarks made during the kiss between Giulia Salemi and Martina Hamdy. Monte found himself again in the eye of the hurricane because of the so-called "ugly kiss" issue. During the concert, however, Monte was the protagonist of a stormy confrontation with Alfonso Signorini because of his relationship with Giulia Salemi. The columnist who spoke to Giulia called her a doormat, a word that was not appreciated by Monte, who escaped from the couch. The old tronista, in fact, still does not feel ready to live a story with Giulia Salemi, even though he reveals having embraced it in the greatest secrecy simply because he prefers do things silently. At this point, Signorini reminds him to be inside the Big Brother house and not at home. This is the usual interest and curiosity of the public about what is happening in the house! (updated by Emanuele Ambrosio)

Monte VS Elia Fongaro

Clash live at Big Brother Vip 2018 enter Francesco Monte and Elia Fongaro. The Veneto model, eliminated last week, returns home to clarify with the former tronista of Men and Women. The two return to discuss racism, north and south, and Monte's words about the kiss between two women. "I am not homophobic"Stress again the old shipwreck of The Island of the Famous, attacked by Elia Fongaro who advises him"bring out your personality". "Elijah, you're going back, what I think is about you, not about your relationship with Jane"- said Monte Alfonso Signorini also intervenes and says:"in all this quarrel in which we do not understand anything"Looking for a scoop.The reporter blames the old tronista of men and women the relationship with Giulia Salemi:"So, what is your girlfriend?". Raise to this point indicates: "I have to understand it, I'm not sure about it at home". (update Emanuele Ambrosio)

"I'm not ready to fall in love"

New comparison between Francesco Monte and Giulia Salemi. The former tronista of Men and Women again confirmed that he was not predisposed to living a love story. "What is there to misunderstand? What's the problem? We are at the limit of the unlikely. Now, you must also tell me how I should answer a joke? I'm not ready to fall in love. If beyond this great affection should not take another, we do not continue: it's something we've already talked about. ". It was the words pronounced by Monte that made Giulia suffer so much that she said in a confessional: "He throws arrows as if it were jokes. It has absolutely no tact. I'm afraid to make a sand castle. I feel diminished. I do not feel valued as a woman or as a human being for all that I give. This relationship is not fair. I may be more concerned with him than with what he feels for me. I may have salami on my eyes". Who knows, during the live broadcast on Monday, November 5th, the old shipwreck of The Island of the Famous will ultimately not be able to make any decision as to his relationship with the Persian Influencer. (updated by Emanuele Ambrosio)

Start and spring with Giulia Salemi

Francesco Monte is engaged in a new pull and comes out with Giulia Salemi. No wonder: GF Vip 3 he is now saturated with their quarrels, the peace concluded and the ensuing battle. A ride that never seems to end and that certainly has not ended with the experience of the sequel. Giulia decided to share this page of reality with Monte, but she did not know that they would argue at the end of the first clbad. Once again, the old tronista had to reiterate that he was not interested in the sentimental point of view of the girl, who seems on the contrary not to receive the message. Monte does not want Giulia to feel bad and it is clear, even if it only appears at the time of the apology. Two difficult characters: impossible for both to manage to collide. Francesco certainly does everything in his power, although he swears often, in a childish way, that he will not speak to him anymore. Yet we are still here and waiting for the new battle over the same issues.

Veronica Satti against the old tronista

Viewers of the GF Vip 2018 they are more and more eager to Francesco Monte and the famous Sapphic kiss. This week, he reiterated his version of events not to attract the wrath of the LGBTQ world, but his explanations are contradictory. He is looking for different versions of the same story and among the last to intervene, Veronica Satti. Ex gieffina, the daughter of Bobby Solo meant that it was about the "disgust" that Monte would try in front of two girls who kiss each other (one of them is in the process to flirt with him). At Il Tempo, the former candidate pointed out that she was indignant about Francesco's remarks and that she believed that she had tried to oppose the knowledge that She had drawn to the House last year. Social media is still on fire, not only because of the sapphic kiss, but also because of the mental closure that Francis has attributed to all citizens of the South, with many presumed evidence that would support his thesis.

Does your position falter?

I delatori di Francesco Monte they only waited for a card at Big Brother Vip 3. And it was so. In its position, the old tronista should walk on embers before pronouncing a concept, but it is almost impossible to have total control over what is said in a playful context such as that of the House. And so Francesco raised another problem, but fortunately this time there is no Eva Henger ready to point the finger at him and lead an endless battle. The competitor managed to escape even due to the lack of preparation of the rest of the house, which has meanwhile received bullshit Tarantino. At the last concert, he did not feel supported by the band and wanted to see someone stand up with a sword, ready to defend him. Once again, Monte is saved, while controversy erupts on social media: among many charges, that of being recommended and having the support of Alfonso Signorini.

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