Frequent and rewarding intimate relations for heart health


If for many reasons bad is still a taboo subject, today it is scientifically proven that bad is a panacea for the body and the mind

For example, among the benefits of bad experts, a constant badual help has on the entire immune system. In fact, it has been shown that badually active people are much less ill during the year. Especially the immune defenses, much more ready to fight germs, viruses and bacteria, avoiding infections.

In the case of women, regular badual activity helps keep the bladder muscles trained. A slight advantage, on the surface, but which becomes fundamental with the pbadage of the years. Indeed, more than 30% of women are affected by the phenomenon of incontinence which, according to American studies, can be limited or even avoided thanks to bad.

In the case of men, repeated intercourse may also be one of the allies to reduce the risk of suffering from prostate disorders, disorders very common in men, especially from 50 years: a frequent ejaculation seems to have protective effects on the hypertrophy of the gland, disorder that can cause pain, difficulty urinating, burning and erectile problems

According to a recent study by the University of Munster, the activity Sexual is an excellent antidote for cluster headaches, one of the most painful and debilitating forms of headache. According to the researchers, badual activity would release endorphins, natural pain killers produced by our body, which act on the nervous system relieving or eliminating pain.

Among the little known effects of bad on the body, a specific year has been discovered anti-aging action, a kind of surprising rejuvenation. In 2013, a study conducted by the Royal Edimburgh Hospital, presented at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society, showed how people who regularly practice bad can also demonstrate seven years younger than their age.

Sexual and rewarding bad is also a panacea for the heart and the cardiorespiratory system as a whole.

François Carrè, cardiologist at the University Hospital of Rennes, ambbadador of the French Federation of Cardiologists, says for example that the benefits from the practice of regular badual activity is numerous.

Suffice to say that a relationship involves on average moderate physical exertion, which can be compared to 20 not a brisk walk. Like any physical activity, it strengthens the myocardium and also helps eliminate toxins from the body.

In the same opinion, Mounier Vehier, cardiologist at Lille University Hospital, and President of the Federation, who points out other important aspects related to badual activity: in particular, the cardiologist states that the relationship with his partner is an important indicator. quality of life.

"Sexual activity – explains Claire Mounier-Vehier in detail – is an important element of the quality of life. life, even in the heart or vascular patient, and in his partner. Maintaining or resuming bad after a heart attack is indeed important for the couple because it works both physically and morally.

In a joint note, the doctors of the French Federation of Cardiology emphasize the centrality bad must have in the life of a couple.

And they want to point out that even a possible lack should not be taken lightly, as some badual disorders can reveal latent cardiovascular problems: loss of erection often precedes 3- to 5 years old. occurrence of an acute cardiovascular episode. And in turn, the presence of an erectile problem would increase the chances for a man to develop a 25% cardiovascular disease.

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