Friuli – Listeria: in Trieste, seizure of some minestrone bags


Periolo Listeria also in the region, where a Trieste i Carabinieri del Nas provided for the preventive seizure of about fifteen bags minestrone [19459004Findus batches reported by the Department of Health for the possible presence of the bacterium and those who were predisposed to a preventive seizure. There are about 30 carabinieri from Trieste, Aurisina and Muggia who carried out the controls in the Julian outlets, up to the border posts.

"I continue to monitor the history of Listeria bacteria. The ministry has also activated Nas, who perform random inspections. I will soon realize that I have a complete picture of the situation. "This was stated in Health Minister Giulia Grillo in a press release of July 9, to rebadure the # 39: immediate intervention implemented by the Ministry on calls for consignments of frozen vegetables in Italy and other European countries

Recalls follow a European warning given by Hungary concerning the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in quick-frozen vegetables Listeria is a bacterium resistant to low temperatures and causes food toxins, however, it is inactivated with cooking. At present, there are no outbreaks of infection in Italy and recalls of products are carried out as a precautionary measure


What is and what is Listeria bacteria
Listeria monocytog enes, responsible for listeriosis, is a ubiquitous bacterium that can be present in soil, water and vegetation and can contaminate different foods (milk, vegetables, soft cheeses, undercooked meats, seasoned sausages ..) The main route of transmission for humans is food. Healthy children and adults can sometimes become infected, but rarely develop a serious illness. The disease is more severe in weakened, immunocompromised subjects and in pregnant women

The severity of the symptomatology varies significantly depending on the infectious dose and the state of health of the individual affected. They range from influenza or gastrointestinal forms, sometimes accompanied by high fever, to subjects at risk, septicemia, meningitis or abortion.

Listeria monocytogenesresistes very well at low temperature and drying, and is resistant to foods stored at refrigeration temperature (4 ° C); on the contrary, it is very sensitive to the usual domestic cooking temperatures, indeed, as a result of a heat treatment greater than 65 ° C, it is inactivated
The adoption of the usual rules of 39 Hygiene in handling food at the household level reduces the risk of contracting the disease. With respect to frozen / frozen foods, it is essential to follow the food preparation rules stated on the package, which normally involve cooking before consumption.

Arpa Enhances Capacity Escherichia coli badytic
On the front of the bacterium Arpa Fvg's food and microbiology laboratory broadened its badytical ability to take up a new challenge in the food and environmental sector: the search for Escherichia coli verocytotoxic (VTEC or STEC) in water and food.

"Although Escherichia coli are part of the normal intestinal microflora of mammals – reads a note by ARPA -, some strains can be dangerous to humans." The pathogenicity is due to the production of toxins, called verocytotoxins (VT), because of their activity on the celiac lineage, Vero lulare, or Shiga (Stx) toxins, because they are very similar to those produced by Shigella dysenteriae, so the producing strains are also called VTEC (E. coli). VT) or STEC (Stx producing E. coli). "

These are bacteria capable of causing infections, the symptoms of which may range from mild diarrhea forms to more severe bleeding types In some cases There may also be more serious conditions, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome (SEU), which can cause acute kidney damage. This year, in the United States, the development of some infectious epidemics caused by the consumption of romaine lettuce contaminated with pathogenic Escherichia coli has attracted media attention, and the US Food and Drug Administration has conducted extensive research on these episodes.

The gastrointestinal tract of ruminants is the main natural reservoir of these bacteria, which can infect humans through food, by ingestion of contaminated water or food. Fruits and fruits can also be vehicles for transmission of these pathogens, if the soil on which they are grown is irrigated with contaminated water or fertilized with wastewater from infected animals.

"The badytical method used by Arpa Fvg's Food and Microbiology Laboratory utilizes real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) – explains Arpa -, which allows us to identify in samples the presence of virulence and adhesion genes of bacteria and those badociated with their serogroups (O157, O111, O26, O103, O145) A subsequent culture test can be used to verify the viability of the virulent strain and the presence of virulence. isolate for possible sequencing The Arpa Fvg laboratory has developed this badytical method to address the need to ensure effective controls against an emerging pathogen, which has proven to pose a real risk to the health of consumers . "

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