from abroad, purchase requests for format


  Now or Never - Rai - Amadeus

The success of Ora or Mai Più is irresistible and transcends national borders: from abroad, many TV companies are interested in Italian format!

Ora o Mai Più It was a success. Listen to records for the first edition of Amadeus' Rai 1 talented music that convinced not only the audience, but also the critics. A bet won for Rai and the director of Rai1 Angelo Teodoli who has already confirmed the second edition of the program. However, the format, all Italian, is in great demand by foreign TV channels.

Ora or Mai Più also conquers abroad

A success that goes beyond the national boundaries of " Ora o Mai Più [19659008]", The talent of Rai1 for the music that saw the triumph at the first edition Lisa

From abroad, in fact, there are many countries interested in buying the program format. To tell it in an interview with " Unomattina Estate " is the owner Amadeus:

"This is an entirely Italian product and already highly sought after in the world. Foreigners They told me that there are many countries that want to buy this format We are happy had so much success "

The program has convinced since the first episode with record scores and the web literally gone crazy! Rai1, in fact, has managed to offer viewers a quality show with great artists and personalities who have certainly contributed to the success of listeners and critics.

Last but not least the presence of Amadeus, irreplaceable owner, who is confirmed one of the most beloved faces of Rai1

Now or never more 2 will be done!

Meanwhile we can confirm with great anticipation that the second edition of " Ora o Mai Più " will be fine! This is confirmed by Amadeus who, interviewed by Il Giornale, said:

The director of Rai1, who strongly wanted it, commented: "To be reproduced. In the most absolute way.

In addition, the rankings are: an average of 3,767,000 viewers with a share of 21.6% . For the next edition, however, they should change. Starting with the place that should be put forward in the spring of 2019 with some big news.

First of all, we plan to broadcast the show live, new voting methods and the participation of the great Italian music ready to play with the competing artists

Who knows that the future winner of " Ora o Mai Più 2 " can not even be admitted to the Sanremo Festival in order to obtain a second big real possibility in the world of music. [19659009] Who might be interested in: Who is Lisa, the winner of Ora or Mai Più

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