Gausman helps Braves hit all the boxes for the NL East push


ATLANTA (AP) From the point of view of manager Brian Snitker, adding right-hander Kevin Gausman means that the Atlanta Braves have added help in all the right places to win the NL East.

Snitker applauded four trades Alex Anthopoulos

"I feel really good," Snitker said. "We talked about what you would like to have, and I think it hit all the boxes." Depth of the paddock, starting pitcher, maybe a bench bat. they did a great job. "

The Braves acquired Gausman and veteran reliever Darren O-Day from the Baltimore Orioles in exchange for four hopes on Tuesday.The Braves also added outfielder Adam Duvall, acquired from the Reds Monday night, as well as relievers Brad Brach and Jonny Venters over the past five days.

Atlanta also did not separate from his best hopes. [19659002] The Orioles acquired the right-handed triple A Evan Phillips, A clbad championship player Jean Carlos Encarnacion and two hopes of the double-A, receiver Brett Cumberland and southpaw Bruce Zimmerman.Baltimore also received the money from the international signature bonus slot machine

"We are still reluctant to to tie some of our best players, "said Anthopoulos. "… we love the guys we lost, there are some guys who are better known, we did not go into the trade deadline saying that we refuse to move on our best prospects. more difficult to acquire than others. "

The Braves scored Tuesday's trading deadline half a game behind Philadelphia's first-place finish and five games ahead of Washington's third place in the US. Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador The Phillies also made an effort, adding receiver Wilson Ramos and left-handed Aaron Wolf on Tuesday after picking forward Asdrubal Cabrera last Friday.The Nationals traded the Brandon pickup Kintzler, but they were impbadive at the deadline.

"We were just trying to make the team better," said Anthopoulos. "It goes without saying that the race will be tight in the East . Philadelphia has made beautiful moves. The Nats, we know how talented they are. … It's going to be hard. We want to win the division, like all other teams, but even the joker will be difficult. "

Duvall joined the team on Tuesday and was nominated for a platoon role, with most of his starts against left-footers.He will play on the left field, with rookie Ronald Acuna Jr. moving to center and Ender Inciarte moving on the bench against the left-handers.

Duvall, hitting .205 with 15 homers and 61 RBIs, also gives the team a powerful

Duvall said the platoon role "does not I do not really matter. "

" I'm excited to be here, "he said." But they'll use me, I'll go there and I'll do my best. " best to win ball games. "

O 'Day underwent surgery on the left thigh on July 12 and was acquired to be part of the Atlanta 2019 bullpen

Gausman, 27, was 5-8 with a 4.43 ERA in 21 games for Baltimore and is under control of the team until 2020. [19] 659002] "Really excited to go to a team that is playing really well right now, playing meaningful games," said Gausman, adding that he was excited about his role after speaking with Anthopoulos. I think that's a good fit, "said Gausman." After talking to their GM, I think they've really loved me and have things that can help me. " "

This is the second case between teams in three days." Atlanta acquired Brach of Baltimore for an international signing slot on Sunday.

Gausman adds experience to a rotation that has lost rookie Mike Soroka and right-winger Brandon McCarthy.

Anthopoulos said that he did not feel that he needed to add a departing pitcher because he likes the depth provided by hopes, including southpaw Kolby Allard, promoted from Triple-A Gwinnett to make his debut Tuesday night against Miami.

"We were just looking at good value and good deal"

Allard should be sent back to Gwinnett after the game on Tuesday night.) {
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