Gemma Galgani, the revelation about the marriage and her ex-husband: "I accompanied her to school"


Gemma Galgani, the most loved and most followed lady of Men and Women returns to speak and does so by publishing a new interview on the pages of Maria De's Transmission Magazine Filippi. [VIDEO] This time, the lady did not talk about her "big love," Giorgio Manetti, but wanted to talk about her first marriage. Gemma, in fact, was married when she was only twenty years old and her boyfriend was only 19 years old and still going to school.

The star of men and women talks about his marriage without regrets

Men and women magazine revealed that at the time of his marriage, she was very in love with this person despite the young age of both .

Yes, because the Galgani was only 20 years old when her husband was 19 years old and still attending the last year of high school.

Galgani revealed this with the machine that was given to him from his father on the occasion of the wedding, he accompanies her husband every morning to school and will take it again. In short, a kind of "mother-wife" for this man who at the time had kidnapped the heart of the lady of men and women.

During the interview, Gemma also confessed to having married a boy from a very wealthy family and this thing allowed him to be able to devote himself exclusively to him during the years of their marriage. "At the time, I did not need to work," said Galgani, who then added that she was fully dedicated to the care of the house, even though she was helped by D & D. Other people to manage it

. Gemma has no kind of regret. The lady, indeed, has admitted that she owes to her wife's experience the pbadion for the stove and the care of all that entails a meal.

The Galgani does not give up and rethinks to Giorgio Manetti

unpublished, since never the protagonist of Men and Women [VIDEO] was so biased about his past love life and of her marriage when we can say that she was a little more than a teenager.

However, the Galgani looks to the future and obviously can not help but think of Giorgio Manetti, the "seagull" who in those years stole the heart. Recently, Gemma, regarding what he's experienced and tried with Manetti, admitted that it would be really unfortunate to throw everything back, suggesting that he was always inclined to return to the flame.

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