Genetics and healthy sports, Genoa learns prevention


Genoa becomes the capital of the fight against cancer. The Ligurian capital is hosting the twentieth milestone of the new edition of the "Festival of Prevention and Innovation in Oncology" for 3 days. In Piazza della Vittoria, a coach will be set up from 10 to 12 July, where oncologists from the AIOM (Italian Association of Medical Oncology) will provide advice and information on prevention, innovation therapeutics and advances in oncology research. There are also sports activities in the square to involve the citizens through the participation of the Paralympic Champion Francesco Bocciardo

Each year in Genoa more than 6830 new diagnoses are estimated. cancer (3,683 men and 3,151 women). "At least 40%, about 2730 cases each year, could be avoided by following a healthy lifestyle – explains Giovanni Ucci General Manager of the IRCCS San Martino Hospital in Genoa – The purpose of the project is to convey a fundamental message to citizens: against cancer, we must move forward with proper lifestyles, screening and innovative therapies.But more effort is needed on lifestyles and screening. Indeed, cancer is the chronic pathology that is most strongly influenced by preventative measures. "The traveling event, made possible through the support of Bristol-Myers Squibb, reaches 20 cities with events that last three days [19659004THEMOSTPOPULARTUMORSINLIGURIA
In Liguria, there are an estimated 11,950 cases (6,200 men and 5,750 women) in 2017. The three most common tumors in Ligurians are those of the colon (1,750), bad (1,600) and lung (1,350) 27.3% of the population smoke in Genoa, above the regional average (25.5%). On the other hand, there is better data in the province of Genoa (21.2% Genoa, 29.1% Liguria), overweight (25% Genoa, 27% Liguria), obesity ( 8.2% Genoa, 8.4%). % Liguria) and consumption of alcohol at doses dangerous to health (18% Genoa, 18.2% Liguria).

Smoking is the main risk factor for oncology. "More than 100,000 cases of cancer each year in Italy are due to cigarette – states Lucia Del Mastro member of the National Executive of AIOM and head of the unit IRCCS bad at the San Martino Hospital in Genoa, those of an epidemic 85-90% of those in the lungs, 75% in the head and neck (especially the larynx and pharynx), 25-30% in the pancreas.The impact of blondes is also evident in bladder cancer, one of the most common with 50-65% of cases due to this vice between men and 20- 30% in women Smoking also increases by 50% the probability of developing kidney neoplasm and up to 10 times the esophagus. "

A role important in primary prevention is also played by physical activity. "It is shown that 20% of total tumors are caused by the continuing sedentary lifestyle Paolo Pronzato Director of Medical Oncology 2 of the IRCCS San Martino Hospital in Genoa -. The benefits of the movement are evident and several studies have highlighted its influence on some of the most common neoplasms: reduced risk of developing bad cancer by 12% and 44% of colorectal cancer, and one in 5 bad cancer (23%). total) can be prevented postmenopausal by avoiding overweight. "The recommendations of the World Health Organization recommend about 150 minutes per week, or 2 and a half hours, of aerobic physical activity, such as the walking, running, cycling, at a moderately intense pace. "Physical movement – continuous Pronzato – exerts preventive and therapeutic effects and can be compared to a drug that, properly administered, prevents serious illnesses te cancer and impede its development, providing significant benefits for both citizens and the health system. Hence the importance of awareness campaigns like this Festival. "

In addition to good lifestyles, adherence to screening tests is also fundamental in the fight against cancer and improved survival rates. In Genoa, enrollment in these programs is below the regional average (White Book of Health 2016, Liguria Region Health System). "33.3% of citizens have performed the early screening test for colorectal cancer (fecal occult blood test, the regional average is 36.7%) and 58.2% of women performed mammography (64.2% Liguria ) for the early diagnosis of bad cancer – explains Claudia Bighin oncologist at the "San Martino" of Genoa – and 15% of Genoese women underwent cervical screening (Pap smear, fundamental for diagnosis early cervical cancer): even in this case, the data is worse than the regional average (24.7%) .One of the objectives of the Festival is precisely to improve adherence to these fundamental prevention instruments. "

" In Italy in 2017, it was estimated that just over 369,000 new cases of cancer – stresses Stefania Gori National President of the AIOM and Director of the Department of Oncology, Hospital Sacro Cuore of the IRCCS Don Calabria – Negrar -. Today, we can no longer speak of incurable harm because alongside traditional weapons (surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy) we have highly effective innovative therapies such as targeted molecular therapies and immunotherapy that allow us to find a cure. improve long-term survival with good quality. of life. Thanks to an early diagnosis and new weapons, 60% of patients in Italy manage to overcome the disease. The health system must be capable of meeting the health needs of these citizens, ranging from rehabilitation to return to working life, affections and work. "

In Genoa, at the Oncology Prevention and Innovation Festival, cognitive surveys will be collected and leaflets will be distributed to citizens on the main rules of cancer prevention and new weapons to overcome the disease or improve survival. During the three days, inside the motorhome (from 10am to 12pm and from 3pm to 5pm), AIOM oncologists will be available to provide information and advice. scheduled events, Tuesday, July 10, at 16, will greet Sonia Viale (Vice President and Advisor for Health, Social Policy and Security of the Liguria region), at age 17, the importance of # 39; good nutrition and 18 will intervene Francesco Bocciardo (Italian Paralympic Champion). On Wednesday, July 11, from 16h to 18h30, the event "General Prevention" is scheduled at the Auditorium of the Teatro Carlo Felice. Thursday, July 12 at 4:00 pm should investigate false news in oncology, at 4:30 pm on innovative therapies and at 5 pm on psychological support to patients. Patient badociations, family members and citizens of all ages are welcome to participate.

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