Giulia and Andrea (ex U & D) likely competitors of Temptation VIP


It seems that the crisis between Giulia De Lellis and Andrea Damante is outdated, as evidenced in recent days by the images published by the weekly "Chi", in which the Damellis are described in Cuddling and kisses fans [VIDEO] during a romantic weekend in Sardinia. The two former protagonists of Men and Women have not yet officially confirmed their return together but in the last hours of new rumors give to the protagonist couple of the first edition of Temptation Island Vip 2018 Andrea Damante and Giulia De Lellis Probable pair of Temptation Island Vip 2018

According to the journalist Alberto Dandolo on the Instagram profile it seems that the couple, born there are some years inside the clbadic throne of Men and Women both among the possible competitors of the first edition of Temptation Island Vip 2018 .

The new program, confirmed in recent days during the presentation of the Mediaset program schedule, should be broadcast in September and will be conducted by Simona Ventura. Archived the crisis of recent months, Andrea and Giulia should be involved in the reality of the temptations that in these days sees the way of publishing nip

Despite the two young people are very active on social media, to date have not yet confirmed that they are newly engaged and indeed Giulia De Lellis has used her Instagram profile in recent days to respond to critics after the publication of hot shots on the weekly Alfonso Signorini

Giulia De Lellis infuriata on Instagram for hot photos

Waiting for confirmation on the participation in Temptation Island Vip, he looks in recent days at the explosion by Giulia De Lellis on the social [VIDEO] after the publication of the images in which he appears in bad .

On his Instagram profile the ex-pretender of Men and Women released a video in which she throws herself against the paparazzi who took the photos and who allowed their publication. Without words, the Roman defined photographers without respect or consideration . This is not the first explosion that Julia put on her social profile. Indeed, already the previous days, the young woman had responded to followers who had criticized her for not being honest about her relationship with Andrea.

However, the images published by the weekly testify to a new harmony between the two. the indiscretion of a possible participation in the reality of temptations could be confirmed. It only remains to wait for the month of August when the new program will start filming to find the names of the pairs in competition.

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  • damante-cast-indiscrezione.html

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