Giulia De Lellis and Andrea Damante together: good surprise


<img clbad = "alignleft wp-image-331812" src = " jpg "alt =" Giulia De Lellis, the video with Andrea Damante: the journey of a couple?

Giulia De Lellis and Andrea Damante return for the umpteenth time protagonists of gossip The couple born in the workshop of Men and Women continues to surprise its fans.After the innumerable rumors of recent weeks, the people directly involved decided to break the ice through their social profiles The former suitor and the DJ are no longer hiding and have shown themselves together through an unexpected new Instagram story.The beautiful girl from Rome has indeed shared a short video in which she says that she was put on a plane by her (still ex?!?) Boyfriend What will happen ?! The followers are eager to discover in detail what who arrives at the couple.

Andrea Damante, surprise of love for Giulia De Lellis? New journey together

After being paparazzi of the weekly Chi, Giulia explained to the fans his position towards Andrea . The young woman has indeed decided to live day by day, trying to understand what to do with her future in the sentimental field. For the moment, we had stayed that De Lellis and Damante had chosen to refrain and take all the time necessary to understand when there were conditions for a new flashback. Until today, the former couple preferred not to appear together on their social profile. Now, things seem to have changed. The former pretender of the clbadic throne has indeed published a story in which she resumed alongside Andrea in a plane

Giulia De Lellis returns with Andrea Damante? The video

Giulia also announced that she really wanted to see what Damante is capable of doing. It seems that the young Dj organized a surprise in De Lellis. In any case, more information is expected. In the meantime, we can announce that, almost certainly, both are heading to Mallorca in Spain. The boy from Verona has indeed posted a video in which he said that he was leaving for the Iberian city.

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