Giulia De Lellis tired of criticism speaks plural of envy


Giulia De Lellis [VIDEO] became famous to all Italian viewers for his participation in the talk show of Cbade 5 Uomini e Donne. Its presence in the program of Maria De Filippi was fundamental for the tronista Andrea Damante who at the end of the adventure decided to choose it officially like a girlfriend. Their relationship has been appreciated by many fans who follow them every day on their official social networks. Lately, the ex-pretender Giulia has rediscovered her love Andrea Damante but also has many people who constantly criticize her. What is the reason for this hate right now is unknown, but many fans speculate that some have not digested the return with DJ Veronese, although these have never confirmed that they are engaged again after their negative period. [19659003] Giulia gets angry with some of her colleagues

In those days the daughter of Damante [VIDEO] does not seem to have digested some of the comments made by her colleagues on various social networks . The girl on her official account started this way: "I always love everyone when they are happy with their lives, if my colleagues go alright I am very happy for them, even if it really hurts to see you so full of desire, always ready with a few words to walk to those who have never done anything to you ". Finally, he concluded by wishing good luck to all saying that we are better without being jealous of others. Now, many people have started commenting on his article and many are trying to understand who these words were addressed to. Some of his closest fans noticed that he spoke in the plural, stating that he did not have it with any particular person but perhaps with all those who try to discredit him every day .

The experience at Gf Vip

to participation in Men and Women we must also mention that the Big Brother Vip under the leadership of Ilary Blasi and Alfonso Signorini. The latter was a very controversial figure when editing with Giulia because of the continuous arrows during live television. The daughter of the former tronista has been repeatedly criticized for misinterpreted sentences against homobaduals during some direct reports of Gf Vip. If you wish to follow more information about the world of Gossip continue to follow this profile.

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