"Giulia I will not kiss you"


It is difficult to remove the relationship between Francesco Monte and Giulia Salemi: after a start that meant a growing understanding, now in the house of the Big Brother Vip things seem to change. In fact, the old men's and women's truncheon confessed that he did not intend to kiss his roommate, later claiming it was a friendship, because that is the behavior that Monte has with his usually friends.

"Julia, I'm not going to kiss, I do not want to do it", Said Francesco clearly speaking with Salemi, who then confided this statement, certainly not pleasant to hear for a girl, to The Donatella, who was immediately the first fan of the possible love story between the two youngsters. Even Monte, then, told Elia Fongaro, talking about what binds him to the Salemi, and it seems clear that we can not talk about feelings, at least for the moment.

"We take confidence on the physical plane, between hugs and kisses.With my friends, it's like this: I caress, I go to bed, we sleep together, we love each other but it's always a relationship friendly that we live naturally, and not even from him. "said Francesco, speaking about his relationship with Giulia. The old tronista, therefore, did not stay, but does not seem to have triggered that spark that led to a relationship of torque.

However, Francesco was possibilistic about what could happen later:"I do not know if it will take the direction of a love, it is a knowledge based on the plan of friendship". After the great love he had with Cecilia Rodriguez, Monte does not seem willing to settle in, but prefers to give in from time to time: "We did not kiss because there was never a strong desire in me. Our relationship is made of scratches. When I feel that strength inside that will make me want to kiss it, I will do it. "

Francis's behavior, however, hides a deep esteem for Giulia but also for himself as a man: "I want to fall in love, I want to be with someone who is not destined to end in two months If I had to look for an adventure, I would not look for it here and especially not with someone to whom I have an absurd estimate. " If Giulia seems already to be taken by Francesco, it goes with his feet: time will clarify the feelings of each.

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