Giulio Sedicenna hospitalized in serious condition in Mazzini: it is meningitis


Bringing parents to Giulianova's ps with high fever and vomiting then transferred to Teramo: badyzes confirmed the first suspect, bacterial infection type C

TERAMO – The diagnosis of the first suspect was confirmed by the badyzes: Giulianova, 16, hospitalized last night in the Intensive Care Unit of Mazzini hospital in Teramo, suffers from meningococcal type C. It's one of the most aggressive forms and the teenager's health conditions are a dramatic example: Accompanied parents in the emergency room of the giuliese hospital, under the influence of the clbadic symptoms of the disease, such as high fever, severe headaches and vomiting. The doctors ordered the transfer to the resuscitation precisely because of its critical clinical picture, which is stationary in the early hours of today, perhaps slightly improved. The ASL of Teramo, available to the Director of Health Maria Mattucci in agreement with Dr Roberto Fagnano, already from the moments immediately after the arrival of the patient and before a suspicion of meningitis, ordered prophylaxis provided in these cases with the administration of large-scale therapy.

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