GOSSIP / Ilary Blasi skips an episode of Balalaika, on Instagram check the photos of the party


Many wondered why Ilary Blasi was not present in the episode of Balalaika of June 30. Although Nicola Savino wanted to make believe that the colleague was elsewhere for another job, the fans of Gossip discovered that the Roman woman was on vacation with her husband [VIDEO]. Thanks to a photo that Francesco Totti posted on his Instagram profile, it was known that he and his half were in Greece, while on Channel 5 aired the show on the World Cup in Russia.

Ilary Blasi & # 39; an episode of Balalaika deserted

Saturday, June 30, with the start of the second round of the World Cup football underway in Russia, the show that Channel 5 dedicated to the event: Balalaika is back on the air.

After a pause lasted a few days, the format directed by Nicola Savino and Ilary Blasi (with the participation of Belen Rodriguez ), took over to tell the games of the day with many studio guests. To attract the attention of viewers in the episode aired a few days ago was the absence of the presenter in the sports program; if all the plaster returned regularly in the air, indeed, there was no trace of Roman beauty. A few minutes before the start of the evening, Savino tried to explain why the colleague was not there with them: thanks to an affair with Rome, they tried to make the public believe that Francesco Totti's wife had Another commitment of work. What the insiders said, then, is that tonight, Ilary was in the capital to prepare the Wind Summer Festival the musical show that Mediaset will broadcast in July, but that took place in Piazza of the People at the end of last month.

Everyone knows, indeed, that this show was recorded from 22 to 25 June so it is impossible that Blasi was engaged live with this format on Saturday 30. Where was, by Therefore, the Roman while all his colleagues were talking about the elimination of Argentina and Portugal by the World Cup?

Ilary in Mykonos with Francesco Totti at the end of June

To unveil where was the presenter Mediaset while all his adventure told the last turn of 16, was Francesco Totti . By publishing a selfie with his wife, the ex-footballer made it known that she was with her in Greece. "Bye Bye Mykonos" – wrote the former captain of Rome under the picture that represents him by kissing his half as they leave the island that greeted them for a few days. Since it became known that Ilary defected from an episode of Balalaika to extend his vacation for 24 hours, many viewers have turned a blind eye. In fact, all Blasi colleagues returned in time transfers that were granted during the transmission break; Belen Rodriguez for example, left his beloved Ibiza [VIDEO] the day before returning to the antenna on Cbade 5.

Why the Roman did not he does not do the same? What are the gossip about Mrs. Totti's alleged dissatisfaction on the ratings and earnings of the sports program, are they true?

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.ilmessaggero.it/societa/gossip/balalaika_ilary_blasi-3830281.html
  • https://www.davidemaggio.it/archives/164184/balalaika-badente-ilary-blasi-lautogol-della -conductor-finge-of-being-a-summer-festival-but-and-in-holidays

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