GOSSIP / The bond between Mezzetti and D & Urso powered by Instagram Stories


On the web nowadays the badumption that Barbara D & # 39; Urso frequents Alberto Mezzetti [VIDEO]. According to social users, there would be a clue, suggesting that he is the protagonist of some of the Instagram stories published by the host of the note. After a dinner in a restaurant in Milan and confirmed by the same Mezzetti through an interview published in a well-known weekly, it seems that both spend a lot of time together. Dr. Urso has been noted several times in the company of a mysterious knight, but never reveal his face. In one of the latest news published on social media, Barbara D'Urso took the hands of the man while he was preparing the dishes

C & # 39; is of the hand that the web has noticed a detail that brings to the figure of Alberto Mezzetti. At the fingers of the man, there was a ring, which was repeatedly seen on the fingers of the winner of the fifteenth edition of Great Fratello . If the man in question is really the entrepreneur of Viterbo, we can not know it, but certainly it would not be new [VIDEO]. In fact, Alberto Mezzetti repeatedly while he was still a competitor of reality, he made it clear that he was interested in the presenter. Even after dinner, he had confessed that he wanted to continue his courtship. It must be said also that in those early days, Barbara Urso in her dressing room found various bouquets of flowers

Mezzetti-D'Orso, the successful dinner in Milan

During the interview published to a well-known weekly newspaper in rosa, Alberto Mezzetti confessed that between him and Barbara D & Urso established a relationship of complicity.

The gallant meeting took place in a restaurant in Milan and according to the story, even if between the two there was no kiss both were very close to touching the nose. Also on the pages of Di Più we learn that both had a lot of fun during dinner

Given rumors and comments that happen to Barbara D & # 39; Urso at that time to know the truth at this time Subject, she decided to answer: "We must not frame the rings, if there were any". With these words, the presenter, coming back from a real boom in listening, has neither confirmed nor denied the rumors that follow each other nowadays. So, after the various clues on social media, nothing is expected, but confirmation of what is prevalent.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.google.it/amp/s/gossip.fanpage.it/alberto-mezzetti-a-cena-con-barbara-durso-ci-siamo-sfiorati-ma-nessun-bacio-la -corteggero / amp /
  • https://www.novella2000.it/barbara-durso-alberto-mezzetti-insieme/3/

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