Gossip U & D / Sara together again with Francesco Monte after farewell to Luigi


Can there be a call for tenders between Sara Affi Fella and Francesco Monte both former protagonists of Men and Women ? And it's the latest rumors of this hot Italian summer that goes crazy on the web and on social networks and makes all fans talk about Maria's afternoon show From Filippi. [VIDEO] In those hours, in fact, Sara and Francesco Monte reappeared "in couple" on social networks and here we immediately issued the badumption of a possible flirtation going on, given that the Affi Fella has formalized the end of his love affair with Luigi Mastroianni

Francesco Monte and Sara Affi Fella together: there is tender?

In detail, yesterday afternoon Sara and Francesco Monte posted videos on Instagram Stories where we saw them for lunch together.

Affi Fella, amused, remarked to her supporters that the ex-boyfriend of Cecilia Rodriguez insisted on eating barefoot.

A very beautiful scene between Sara and Francesco that immediately rekindled the hope of fans who had made the badumption of a possible rapprochement between the two. We remember, indeed, that some time ago there had been talk of a suspicious sighting between Sara and Francesco in the same discotheques of Ibiza. [VIDEO]

Let's talk about Sara Affi Fella's highly discussed holidays on the Spanish island with her friends, make a few weeks after the choice of men and women. In this context, the two men were arrested several times in the same premises the same night, to light the rumors in their favor.

The old baton of men and women, however, immediately ran for cover, saying that in fact, between her and Francesco, there was only one and strong friendship, based on the fact that they shared the same agency and so for various reasons they spent time together.

Sara's confession about the disease

Fella threw at the sender the suspicions of a possible new relationship with Monte: and this time, what will he say? Will he categorically deny the so-called flirtation even now that his love affair with Luigi Mastroianni has ended? While waiting to learn more about the summer rumors, we tell you that Sara, in recent weeks, wanted to tell her fans a very delicate moment of her life.

Some time ago, the girl was operated on in the groin. as evidenced by the photo that he posted on Instagram, and admitted that he has lived through one of the most difficult and complicated times of his life.

This article has been tested with:

  • https://www.anticipazioni.tv/uomini-e-donne/uomini-e-donne-gossip/francesco-monte-e-sara-affi-fella-di-nuovo-insieme.html
  • https : //news.popcorntv.it/people/francesco-monte-e-sara-affi-fella-insieme-in-puglia/53567

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