Gossip's "Men and Women", Luigi peeks at Sara but then says: "If you call me"


The love story between Sara Affi Fella and Luigi Mastroianni of " Men and Women " has definitely ended. Both said goodbye after only a month of engagement and these days they have tried to explain their version of the facts mainly on Instagram. Sara accused Louis of making the victim in recent weeks, while in turn, the boy attacked his ex-girlfriend, believing that in his Instagram live, he only told lies to their subject. But then he confessed that, if you had to remind him, he would not refuse the appeal

It's over between Sara and Luigi's "Men and Women". and on Instagram they send big words

In detail, in fact, the gossip The news reveals that Luigi [VIDEO] wanted to clarify his version of the events after Sara's social direct, which claimed that his ex-wife boyfriend had anticipated one day the meeting that was to serve them to clarify just to put it in Luigi says that this is not the case and he added that in these weeks of knowledge he repeatedly invited Sara in Catania (her hometown), but she has always refused to know her family. Mastroianni on Instagram wrote that Nilufar and Giordano also knew this thing, aware of the many invitations he had made to Affi Fella.

At the same time, however, Luigi wanted to clarify that he was a person he matured and therefore stated that, if Sara gave him a phone call, he would certainly not refuse it, as many could do. Imagine

"I am a polite person, if you call me, I answer." Affection is not lost, even though I'm angry with her, "said Luigi on his Instagram profile , adding however that in those days Sara would have said a lot of lies about her and so also about their love story as long as "

Luigi defends herself from accusations of Sara

Sara believes that Luigi does not get s & # She is never really interested in her, but this statement only makes the boy smile.Mastroianni, in fact, reiterated that, for its part, there has always been a great interest in knowing Sara by the way. study of men and women [VIDEO] stating that in this context "he was crazy for In fact, the lack of intimacy that existed between the two after the program, Luigi recalled that he was not the first to in speak, given that Sara published a very first "post-choice" interview at ] Men and Women Magazine where he stated that he was an old-fashioned girl and therefore did not have any relationships with the boyfriend.

This article has been verified with:

  • http://www.gossipblog.it/post/558291/uomini-e-donne-luigi-mastroianni-sara-affi-fella-bugie-dichiarazioni-risposta
  • http://www.gossipblog.it / post / 558288 / men-and-women-sara-affi-fella-luigi-part-victim-statements

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