Government Crisis, in case of advance voting, the polls reward the sovereign axis: Salvini would only need Meloni to govern


a league dominant who would need that support from Brothers of Italy get a strong majority. Is the parliament which would be delivered to us by new elections according to the last projection made by Ipsos for the Corriere della Sera, based on a investigation from Thursday, August 8th. Matteo Salvini he had promised to run "on his own", then to speak within 24 hours with an "I do not know". the temptation from an alliance with Giorgia Meloni – which pushes towards a pre-election agreement – is dictated by the figures: the Carroccio is estimated at 297 seats, much but not enough to govern alone. L & # 39;sovereign axis instead, it would come for Ipsos a 358 places, quietly above the 316 needed to have a majority in the House.

The survey published on the Corsera confirms the scenarios designed by Youtrend for the agency Agi just two days ago. The most up-to-date data attribute at united center the registration quota of 413 places. Early voting would lead to Lega, Forza Italia and FdI a majority that can easily endorse any constitutional reforms, exceeding the threshold of two thirds of the seats in Montecitorio. The axis that won many of the last local elections would reduce the center at 115 deputies and the M5S just 88 from the current 216.

Salvini can not, according to current voting intentions, aspire to a Monochrome Government League. Ipsos attributes to only Carroccio 297 seats, actually a figure not far from the majority quota. It would be helpful to gain the trust a post-ballot alliance with the Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia who are estimated to 62 parliamentarians. In this case, the Pd would get 135 places, I TopClbad would fall to 122. The pre-electoral Meloni axis would allow Salvini to have a single ally and 358 places available, according to the polls. The Pd would be at 122, the M5 at 106 and Forza Italia with only 30 places.


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