grandmother recounts the health problems of her nephew


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" He had an ulcer and forced to to work ": thus the grandmother of Marco Carta broke the silence

His hospitalization had alarmed millions of fans. Marco Carta wanted to keep the secret on his shelter, going back to the end of the month of June 2018 it is limited to saying: "I'm fine but it will take time to recover." The sentence was accompanied by a photo published on social networks and taken on the bed d & # 39; To break the silence we thought about her Grandma Elsa It was she who explained the reasons for the sudden hospitalization

The words of grandmother Elsa

"In the family we suffer a little" all of problems in the stomach and Mark was a little "Tribolava." So begin the statements of the beloved sima grandmother of the Sardinian singer. Then he added: "He always had some gastric acid which was not auspicious, and his activity sometimes leads him to be very stressed . Life as a musician always brings him back, including concerts and shows, and obviously does not eat well ". Then the revelation: Mark had "an ulcer" . This would ultimately be the reason for his sudden hospitalization, which was followed by an operation to eliminate the problem.

"Fortunately, it's over now, what matters is that you rest and put your feet back," graciously agreed Elsa

Once the worry over, we must wait until the situation returns to normal. For the young singer, it will take a lot of rest, avoiding excessive efforts and situations with a high level of stress and tension. At the same time, as his grandmother emphasized, it will be fundamental for him to follow a healthy and regular diet.

"I will not be able to devote myself to my beloved work," he explains immediately after admission. . "It will take time for me to come back completely, but I want to rebadure you, do not worry, I'm fine, I will not give up and will come back more loaded than before ". Signed: "Your Lion" .

He had promised and now that he is finally back in the walls of his house, we expect to return soon to the track, with many incredible surprises. at the hospital

"My absence on social media became louder than the silence itself and it was useless to deny, you are my family and with you I share everything, joys and sorrows". Thus began the post published by Marco Carta on his Instagram profile the day after his admission.

"The first thing I want to tell you not to alarm anyone is that I'm fine.

I had an unexpected event and I will not be able to dedicate myself to my beloved work, it will take me a little time to get back in full, but do not worry, I will not give up and I will be more busy, "he says.

However, the winner of Amici and Sanremo had not at all expressed on his state of health or on the problem that forced him to hospitalization. " No matter what I had we leave the morbidity outside the window of this room, "he writes, keeping the greatest reserve about it." If you want to keep me company (in this period boredom and need), rather good readings to do and a good new artist to listen to, "had kindly asked his many fans

  Marco Carta

finally released [19659011] There is still a place posted on the Instagram profile of the singer for informing her fans of her health problems. This is a video released late Monday, July 2, 2018.

So he communicated to the fans a wonderful news. "Ladies and gentlemen, live from Policlinico di Milano I leave in a few moments: they resign me". To turn it and post it, it's Marco Carta

the singer Cagliari was released after an "unplanned" (an ulcer, according to the latest statements of grandmother Elsa) who l & rsquo; Had forced to stay in the hospital, away from the world of work and social media.

"Thank you to all the people who were close to me during this period who did not seem to be ending anymore, we, one family," said Carta. "Slow, cautious, with a few pounds less but I'm going home," he said.
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