Guards without sex: infections among young people increase


Sexually transmitted infections increase among adolescents in Naples. The alarm comes from Fabrizio Iacono, professor of urology and andrologist of Federico II University of Naples, who shows that in recent years there has been an "exponential increase" in these disorders. To promote the lowering of the guard is the asymptomaticity of many of these infections, a fact that "increases the risk of transmission to other subjects."
"Worry – adds the expert – is the number of boys (also very young) who have occasional unprotected relationships In some cases, teens choose not to use condoms because They are too expensive, but underneath there is always a lack of knowledge of the problem and the risks. "This" lightness "is also likely to cause reproductive problems, for him as for her.
"Several infections," explains Iacono, "especially those suffered by chlamydia, have a" penchant "for tube cells. the mucous membranes can cause over the years irreversible damage to the tuba which can no longer play its role ". In men, one of the often underestimated infections is HPV. Not only that. Hiv Contagion, Naples, "rose 20% last year."
"Against these infections – concludes the specialist – the only effective protection is the condom.It is good that boys are more informed about the risks involved, because an error can be expensive, but nowadays the models followed by the very young seem to lead in a completely different direction, which is why I believe a lot in the role of doctors, but also teachers and families.We must build an alliance for the health of our children. "[19659002] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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