"Hard months next to Fabrizio"


"It is disturbing that there are people with this mentality", so Rita Dalla Chiesa says New TV threats suffered on social networks after the death of Fabrizio Frizzi .

"It was a group of 28 people – he explains – I deleted their stupid comments from my Facebook profile, for that they created the page & # 39; I hate Rita Dalla Chiesa & # 39; in which I could not write, I understood that it was the same people who wrote on my profile and that I & # 39; I had blocked, as soon as the lawyer intervened the page was canceled ". ] Rita Dalla Chiesa, the appalling explosion of Fabrizio Frizzi: "I can not even name it"

Detractors who blame them for wanting to replace Carlotta Mantovan, wife of Frizzi and mother of stella. An absurd accusation as the presenter explains, very close to Mantovan: "There is no problem between us." She makes me an infinite tenderness because she is very young and spent very hard months next to Fabrizio from October to March.A Frizzi I n & # 39; I devoted only two posts. When unfortunately he left, I published a prayer dedicated to his daughter Stella and my nephew Lorenzo who had both lost their father. And one of our photos at La posta del cuore.All that I publish on the Internet, some people attribute it to Fabrizio, but this is not the case because I have a life to me .After having another important story. All this is ridiculous The truth is that behind some things, there are people who are not really healthy. "

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