he graduated with 110 cum laude with a dissertation on his illness


Another important step for Sammy Bbado the 23-year-old Vicenza suffering from progeria, a genetic disease that leads to rapid cell aging. The student graduated in Natural Sciences with a Molecular Biological Address at the University of Padua with 110 and Lode as reported on the University Radio blog from Padua. "Congratulations to Sammy Bbado, who has been a symbol and promoter of support for scientific research on progeria, science graduate today," the announcement on the university 's Twitter profile.

A milestone in Sammy's life project, the dream of which is to become a researcher and study his own illness . The 23-year-old has always been with his family, engaged in various initiatives in favor of rare pathology research that he suffered from birth, also through the foundation Italian Association Progeria Sammy Bbado [19659006]non-profit organisation. In the world, there are 70 children affected by his syndrome; currently in Italy there are 5 cases. Sammy has been enrolled since 2015 in natural science course in natural sciences and the study has always been one of the most important goals of his life. "I am a lucky boy, I can devote myself to the things that interest me the most and I have parents who have taught me to go forward firmly, even when all the world was retreating. I am grateful to progeria . I live as a condemnation, still less as a divine punishment, I would not change a comma of my life and I also know why: because I had the strength to take it for what 39, she is and make it unique "]

The preacher of Didattica Daniela Mapelli and the delegate in the subject of inclusion and disability Laura Nota and the co-tutor attended the discussion of the thesis. Carlos Lopez Otin of the Instituto Universitario de Oncologia in Oviedo, Spain, where Sammy gave the thesis on progeria in Erasmus The University of Padua activated a collaboration between the Office of Disability , the speaker and technician staff who made possible the inclusive path of Bbado. "Precisely because of the virtuous movement that took place, as a member of the commission, the praector of the didactic Daniela Mapelli and the delegate in the field of inclusion and disability Laura Note were invited as well as the co-tutor Carlos Lopez Otin (Instituto Universitario de Oncologia, University of Oviedo, Spain), with whom Sammy did the thesis on progeria in Erasmus, "said at the university.

The progeria or Hutchinson-Gilford is a very rare genetic disease that affects less than 400 people worldwide and for which there is no effective treatment. The disease is characterized by a premature aging of children (hair loss, subcutaneous fat, osteoporosis, stiffness of the joints, wrinkled and marbled skin) accompanied by the development of atherosclerosis . Patients die at an average of 14 years of age due to a stroke or heart attack, processes triggered by unstable atherosclerotic lesions. Unfortunately, today, the disease is not curable.

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