"He had a sarcoma, not even Elkann knew it"


From the Zurich Hospital, they said that Sergio Marchionne died after "unexpected and unexpected" complications of the operation of the shoulder. have led to cardiac arrest. The director was brought to the intensive care unit, but did not systematically rely on the machines, which were only for support. Another cardiac arrest caused his death, due to the "natural death". According to hospital sources, cancer is not the cause of death.

But what kind of problem did he have on the shoulder, for which surgery was needed? According to Lettera43 to the former FCA had been diagnosed with invasive shoulder sarcoma. Sarcomas are malignant tumors of the connective tissue. It seems that for some time Marchionne suffered severe shoulder pain, to the point that he was having trouble moving his arm and taking cortisone to try to relieve the pain. Not even John Elkann would have been aware of the serious health problems of the director, to whom Marchionne would have said, for understandable reasons of confidentiality, to have to hospitalize only to solve a nuisance, before taking again the company's target for the commitments scheduled for July. However, the absence of work went beyond expectations and the disease did not escape the Italian-Canadian.

At the time of the intervention, according to some sources quoted by the online newspaper (who claim anonymity) the situation, already serious at first, has degenerated. Marchionne was struck by a cerebral embolism until he went into a coma. The machines that he was attacked kept him alive for a while (this was denied by the hospital). Elkann rushed to Zurich to visit him but was not allowed to see him. The doctors, Perl, told him that there was no hope of healing. The rest is a chronicle of the last days, from the urgent summoning of the group's councils, to the letter to the employees, to the days of apprehension and the news of the death.

Dagospia's website, however, has another suspicion. Marchionne would have known for some time to have lung cancer. The first to know, after his partner Manuela Battezzato, would have been the manager of the FCA, Alfredo Altavilla . "I think I have something serious," Marchionne told him a week before his last appearance, June 26 in Rome, for the delivery of the Jeep to Arma dei Carabinieri "I think I will take it for a moment. : "I would like you to continue my work …" But then the situation precipitated: this annoying shoulder pain was much more serious than expected. The director who had saved the Fiat was taken away, leaving all putty. [19659005] [ad_2]
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