He has a bad eye and goes to the doctor. Then the shock discovery: "They are fly larvae"


Accused of a nuisance to the eye. Nothing serious, he thought. Then he became persistent, but there he was not alarmed. But when this annoyance turned to pain at night, the girl decided that it was better to go see the doctor. She was not worried, she was convinced that it was just a conjunctivitis or something similar. Maybe an irritation. He was wrong. As reported by Unione Sarda, the problem was not at all among the most bbad. On the contrary. It was disturbing. The doctors who visited him were clear: larvae of insects had gathered in his eyeball. We are in the heart of Sardinia, in Siurgus Donigala, the country where the protagonist of this misadventure comes from, and, as he rebuilds it in the Sardinian newspaper, practically a parasitic fly, having buzzed around the young man's face man, his eyeball. (Suite après photo)

The eggs in question were initially tiny, then they grew larger and ended up hatching. This is why boredom had become a strong pain. What happened to the girl is a rare case, but it can happen in the countryside, when one is in contact with the animals, as always explains the Unione Sarda. "These flies are mostly spread among herds and often make their" nests "in the eyes of sheep," reads in the online edition of the Southern Sardinia reference newspaper. (Continued after the picture)

This time it was up to the girl who was coming back from the gym, but the ophthalmologist who visited her immediately realized the problem and managed to intervene before. small worms could do damage. Drops for the eyes and antibiotics and there will be no consequences for you. A similar case, but much more serious and rare, was produced last March in the United States. Abby Beckley, of Grants Pbad, Oregon, had a headache and had reddened eyes for days.

But he could not imagine that in his left eye 14 worms had been "covered", ready to go out as if they were eyelashes. Abby was the first person in the world to be infected with this type of parasite, previously seen only in cattle. The doctors decided not to treat Abby with pesticides to prevent dead worms from causing corneal scars that could damage the eyes and it took 20 days to extract 14 worms. Fortunately, the eye has not suffered any consequences.

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