"He helped me in a delicate moment" – Tvzap


Redazione Tvzap

The Venetian presenter said his return to the RAI and its most emblematic show

" Then they told me that I was old.Then, after four years, they reminded me sought and now I am here.I did not expect it ": with this statement Mara Venier officially resumed her place at Domenica In (with Cristiano Malgioglio and Giucas Casella?), Her most iconic and famous program, to which she returns after a four-year stay at Mediaset – welcomed with much affection. An instinctive choice, which did not require too many reflections, and which had been the subject of rumors for months; Mara told him so during an interview with Vanity Fair : "We know that first love is first love: Domenica In never forgets. I did not listen to anyone, I did not sleep there one night and the next morning I decided to throw myself ".

LAWS: Mara's husband Venier operated on the carotid artery

Mara Venier: a beautiful gravure

Venier admitted to having watched the program from time to time during those years of absence and, after much criticism, rather wanted to spend a word of comfort for Cristina Parodi, who will occupy the TV Area next to her program: " Cristina Parodi did a beautiful Domenica In brought her personality as it should be. She is a very good journalist, whereas I am more caciarona, nationalpopolare ", emphasized the national Mara, which then focused on what will be the thematic core of the new incarnation of the container of the Sunday by excellence: "It will focus on current events. Domenica In must be a great gravure, they are not for the format and the poles . We will try, however, to make a wink to the fun.

Mara Venier vs. Barbara D & Urso for Sunday Afternoon

Returning to the Sunday show of Rai1, however, will also mean competing with the Domenica Live of Cbade 5 and with receiver Barbara Urso. The comparison does not intimidate the Veneman who, in fact, highly esteems the colleague / rival and remains a great friend, while acknowledging that the opportunity to mount a great media challenge with Barbarella is too greedy: " Surely they will put us against each other but the important thing is to do our job well … It is very strong, it is useless to deny it. Probably he will do a lot of work for me but I will try to do mine ". But the blonde Mara has words to cherish the other Queen of Cbade 5, Maria De Filippi: "The relationship that I have with Maria remains. I really like it because she gave me a hand in a very delicate moment of my life: I will not forget what she did for me. "

  • Gerry Scotti and Maria From Filippi

  • Simone Rugiati and Belen Rodriguez

  • Simone Rugiati and Belen Rodriguez

  • Rudy Zerbi, Maria De Filippi, Teo Mammucari and Gerry Scotti

  • Rudy Zerbi, Maria De Filippi, Teo Mammucari and Gerry Scotti [19659017] Rudy Zerbi, Maria De Filippi, Teo Mammucari and Gerry Scotti

Mara Venier returns to Sunday In: one night to decide

To return to the historical program Rai, La Venier gave up a good offer to work on a new ambitious television project that would have gone resolutely short: " I had a wonderful offer from Discovery [1945901] 1] but we know that first love is first love: Domenica In never forgets. I did not listen to anyone, I did not sleep one night and the next morning I decided to throw myself ".

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