He is 24 years old and suffers from a rare disease, decides to amputated his leg for a sum


A truly atrocious story that we are about to tell you that she has as protagonist a very young woman of only 24 years old to whom she made a very important decision. Paige Howitt, is a 24-year-old Briton who made the decision to get her leg cut by paying only 9,000 pounds. The reason? Unfortunately, because of a very disturbing disease. The girl seems to have had, at the age of 17, a throbbing pain in the knee and, from that moment, it would have been a real test for her. For seven long years, the woman was forced to have excruciating pain in her left knee. After a long time then, it seems that the young English woman Paige Howitt, sem who decided to have her leg amputated

The girl is suffering from a rare disease c it seems to cause excruciating pain and continues to the leg, so he decided to have the limb amputated and to do this, he said that he was ready to look good at £ 9,000 to perform the task. removal of the leg. The alternative would have been a single, or a hyperbaric chamber to relieve pain, which, however, has a significant cost, or about 20 thousand pounds. As we have seen, Paige's nightmare began about seven years ago when the girl suffered a bad operation. At the age of 17, it seems that the woman started to be very bad and from that moment the real nightmare would have started

The young woman seems to have started to have repercussions on the nerves and her knee began to hurt them in continuity o. "To describe it, it's as if my knee was constantly burning to the point as if I were on fire.Now, I'm much better mentally.It's just that the pain is getting worse and I thought I would have an amputation It will cost £ 9,000 for a private intervention because the NHS [Servizio Sanitario Nazionale] does not treat my condition " What the woman says

The young woman seems to be suffering from A syndrome called "Regional pain together". For those who do not know, those who suffer from this pathology feel a continuous pain and are limited only to one limb, but in some cases they may even extend to other parts of the body.The skin seems to become sensitive and seems to be only a slight touch to cause strong and intense pain.The areas affected by this pain seem to swell, to stiffen and to undergo variations of color but also of temperature The cause of this pathology seems completely unknown but it is thought that it may be the result of our body reacting abnormally in front of a wound.

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