He is bitten by an insect and is infected with the Nile virus


MONTE URANO – It is stung by an insect and after a few days it shows a strong feeling of exhaustion as well as a visible reddening of the skin around the area of ​​the toes. He goes to the emergency room where he diagnoses the West Nile virus (West Nile virus) which will have to contract anemia and kidney failure. The next day, the allergy service confirms the diagnosis.
But Monturan, 40, will have to undergo careful medical treatment, but he was lucky because a pinch near vital organs or near an artery, for example, could have far more serious consequences. According to early reenactments, earlier in the week, the resident man at the center of the shoe noticed that he had been stung in the chest by an insect. Hard to say, however, where he was: however, in the Fermano. Most likely between Monte Urano and Fermo.


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