Health, a third of deaths in Europe could be avoided


Unlike many states in the world where, without adequate income, there is no right to health care, necessary for the most basic needs, member states commit themselves to guarantee equal opportunities to live in good health. Enjoy Quality Health Care Regardless of Income, Sex, Ethnicity

Within the European Union, however, the full autonomy of choice and management of the health system remains . For example, in France and Germany, funding is provided with compulsory registration to health insurance, which reimburses medical expenses to citizens. In Italy, on the other hand, funding should come mainly from tax revenues and be organized in the national health system.

Among the various states, there are still many differences in terms of efficiency, but one thing unites them : c "There is still much to do and improve, to ensure the maximum possible

More than 570 000 deaths in Europe, nearly one-third of those occurring every year in less than 75 years, would actually be avoided The technology we have: according to Eurostat in its latest report

The same report shows how infarcts are the pathology that weighs the most on this statistic.The concept of avoidable death, explains the European institute, "implies that some death could not have occurred at a given time if adequate health care had been put in place. "

report refers to just over 52,000 preventable deaths for 2015, corresponding to 32% of the total . Is a slight percentage lower than the European average (33.1%) but higher than that of countries like France (which is the only one below 25%). The worst situation is recorded in Romania, nearly 50%

Heart attacks, with more than 180 000 preventable deaths, account for 32% of deaths that could be avoided. Stroke (89,600 deaths, equal to 16%), colorectal cancers (more than 66,000 deaths, 12%) and bad tumors (approximately 50,000 deaths, 9%).

And this is not even the first time that such an alarm is raised

Last year, for example, in the report ' '. Impact of Stroke in Europe ', commissioned by the Alliance for Stroke Security in Europe at King's College London, one could read how the number Total stroke cases in the European Union will increase by 34%, from 613,148 cases in 2015 to 819,771 in 2035.

However, despite this disease represents one of the first causes of death in Europe, the second leading cause of cognitive impairment and the leading cause of absolute long-term disability, only 30% of stroke patients receive adequate care.

a noticeable improvement in the index would be possible survival through the implementation of stroke units and the use of trombolysis treatment

Prevention and correct therapy should therefore be a priority for all European countries, including Italy, where it is necessary to make a clear distinction of efficiency between the north and south of the country

to London, for example, the travel time between a stroke and admission to the hospital is 30 minutes. In southern Italy, we are also talking about 4-5 hours. It is therefore necessary that the competent Italian authorities undertake to overcome the inequalities of access to the treatment and treatment of patients in the territory.

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