Health – Agreement between Gaslini and Eni for the Basra Hospital in Iraq Liguria | Genoa


Agreement between Gaslini and Eni for the Basra Hospital in Iraq

The cooperation agreement between the Pediatric Hospital and Eni was presented for support initiatives in the US. clinical badistance for local people in countries where the company operates

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Genoa – A project of more than two million euros to start a training course in Iraq for medical, nursing and technical personnel in addition to a support pediatric clinical badistance. These are the main points of the agreement between Eni and the Gaslini Institute of Genoa for a partnership that will serve to improve the quality of hematology / oncology and surgery services. the Basra Hospital .

Gaslini, in the period of 2018-2019, will host Iraqi doctors, nurses and technicians involved in on-the-job training programs, will send specialized personnel to technical badistance activities and on-site training. "For us, the issue of health is central – explains Filippo Uberti, vice president of the Eni health sector – both for the people who work there and for the families who welcome us in the 71 countries where we work. The involvement with Gaslini is therefore strategic and has a first immediate operational projection in Iraq. "

A partnership born of a first gesture of" generosity ", which then turned into something much more concrete. "The first contact between Eni and the hospital was actually for the donation – reminded Paolo Petralia, general manager of Gaslini – a software that will allow the pediatric institute to develop images in basic radiological radiology for the diagnosis of brain tumors and the timely diagnosis of stroke, cerebral ischemia and epilepsy ".

software called Arterial Spin Labeling, allows, by a non-invasive method, to have much more information than those provided by a traditional magnetic resonance. "I can only be satisfied, in as a counselor re of Liguria, this additional recognition Gaslini to & # 39; internationally, "concluded Councilor for Health and Vice President of the Liguria region, Sonia Viale. It also confirms a place of education to spread the knowledge, the wisdom of those who work here to train the medical personnel involved in this case in a very complex country from the point of view of the restitution to the citizens of the rights.

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