Health, anti Tbe vaccination for everyone in Veneto


Venice – The Regional Council today unanimously approved a motion presented by the counselors of the Brothers of Italy, Sergio Berlato and Mbadimiliano Barison, with whom the junta s & ## Committed to release the entire population residing in the provinces of Veneto, which requires the vaccination against Tbe. Also known as tick-borne encephalitis, it is an acute viral disease, first identified in Italy in 1994. In Veneto, it has mainly occurred in Belluno, an infection that % of cases can be disabling and in some cases fatal

"The province of Belluno – explained Berlato and Barison – like that of Trento and Gorizia, is recognized as an endemic area for Tbe, with sporadic epidemics prevalent in Many rural areas and infections are gradually increasing with hospitalizations increasing year after year.These data and these situations worry us and lead us to greater attention, not only for the peculiarity of this province, but for the risk that it may be the same. it can extend to the whole regional territory. "

" For a few years – continue – an active vaccine against Tbe, distributed in Veneto for free only for categories at risk of exposure. We believe, given the data that has emerged, that this opportunity should be free for all residents of the provinces of Veneto who expressly request it. "

" With the motion – conclude the two regional councilors – considering the benefits in terms of health and cost savings for public health due to hospitalization and prolonged treatment, the council commits the junta to this effect, as well as the promotion of an information campaign to promote a mature awareness of the risks badociated with Tbe infection. "

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