Health: Councilors of the Lazio Region, "Put the vaccinated in quarantine"


Health: The counselors of the Lazio Region Grid, "Quarantine vaccinated"

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Strong controversy for the bill to avoid compulsory vaccination, but after the campaign of 39 last year the coverage rate exceeds 97% and in a clbad of 30 children 29 should be quarantined

Tags: Health, Grillini Advisors, Lazio Region, Quarantine for the vaccinated

Regional counselors M5S D greedy Barillari and Roberta Lombardi have submitted a regional law proposal to ensure that in Lazio, there is no obligation to vaccinate them. children.

The text filed and inserted on the Rousseau platform, is a kind of manifesto of anti-vax carried to the extreme.

Moreover, the Minister of Health pentastellata, Giulia Grillo, took a more moderate position in public, coming to announce that she would vaccinate her son at birth.

On his Facebook page Barillari tells in a post that the text of the bill is the result of a "consultation" with citizens and experts.

Among these experts, Rip is quoted, that is to say "Let's take the planet-movement of human resistance" for years engaged in the fight against the famous chemtrails.

Family physicians and pediatricians (Fimmg, Fimp and Simpef), explains Seraphic Barillari, will only be heard when reviewing the disposition.

The proposal provides "a joint vaccination process by means of full screening before vaccination allowing badessment of the conditions of the subject concerned".

This is followed by " a post-injection inoculum screening process to evaluate any type of adverse reaction".

The above-mentioned customs route also involves "close relatives", so that physicians will have to gather a detailed medical history of the parents, close relatives and the child ", taking into account all the factors that affect the last health in its entirety. "

But the pearl of the proposed grillina law in Lazio is that of quarantine for vaccinated children:" The school guarantees that the period is respected quarantine of 4-6 weeks for the subject just vaccinated with attenuated virus in order to avoid the infections induced by them according to the precautionary principle. "

The problem is that the vaccination coverage rate in Lazio, after Last year's campaign, increased by 97% among children aged 0-6 years.

In short, in a clbad of thirty children, twenty-nine would be quarantined.

Article published July 29, 20 18 – © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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