Health: drinking coffee could make us live longer


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Continue to Drink Coffee A new research, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine shows that coffee could increase opportunity for A longer life even for those who consume at least 8 cups a day.In a study involving nearly half a million British adults, coffee drinkers have a risk of deaths less than 10-15% over a 10-year period compared to non-consumers The apparent increase in longevity was observed for soluble coffee and ground and decaffeinated coffee [19659004] This is the first study to offer a benefit also in people with genetic defects that affect the way their body uses caffeine. The differences between the quantities consumed and the genetic variations were minimal. States do not prove that a cup of coffee is a fountain of youth, nor Alice Lichtenstein, a nutritionist from Tufts University who does not participate in the study, think that this is the Why non-consumers should start drinking coffee, but they reinforce the results of previous research and rebadure coffee drinkers

 Longevity Erikka Loftfield, researcher at the US National Cancer Institute and lead author from the study, said the coffee contains more than 1000 chemical compounds such as antioxidants that help protect cells from damage. Other studies suggest that substances contained in coffee can reduce inflammation and improve the way the body uses insulin, which can reduce the chances of developing the diabetes . 19659003] Of the participants, about one-third drank 2-3 cups a day and about 10,000 drank at least 8 cups a day. During the 10 years of control, 14,225 participants died, mainly due to tumors or heart disease. Caffeine can cause short-term increases in blood pressure and some minor studies have suggested that it could be related to hypertension especially in people with genetic variation that results in slow metabolism. caffeine. ] But coffee drinkers in the UK had no more risk than non-consumers to die from heart disease or other causes related to blood pressure. And when all the causes of death were combined, even the slow metabolizers of caffeine had an increase in longevity .

As in previous studies, coffee drinkers were more likely to drink alcohol or smoke. not consumers but coffee consumption seems to cancel these factors. Although the study does not consider adding fat or calories to coffee, Lichtenstein suggests that it's not healthy.

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