Health: Enpam on the spot for the prevention of female tumors and diabetes


Rome, October 26 (AdnKronos Health) – A three-day visit in the fields of medicine, sport, information and games to live in good health. The appointment with "Piazza della Salute" is back, initiative promoted by Enpam (National Agency for the Prevention of Physicians and Dentists) which, for the third year in a row, puts a position at the disposal of Roman citizens in the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele carry out free checks for cancer prevention in women (through a bad test and a Pap test), diabetes and oral cancer.
"Events like this one are very important to raise awareness and especially to understand how much a type of service is wanted by women, because every time we organize an appointment on the spot and we offer a free prevention, the answer is always very great – explains to AdnKronos Health Francesca Alessandro, Administrative Director of the Provincial Section of Rome – The senological visit we propose is to teach the correct maneuvers of self-lifting. Girls, from the age of 25, should do it once a month and once a year, undergo a gynecological examination.As for the Pap test, however, prevention must begin at the first badual relations. – emphasizes – must become something that is part of every girl's daily life.
In addition to preventing female tumors this year, Enpam is dedicating a series of meetings on diabetes, sport and oral health with doctors, dentists and experts. "We are convinced that we can conduct a lot of public awareness campaigns," says Francesco Gianfreda, president of Tor Vergata, dental and dental hygiene students (Stoid) – especially with regard to the rarely treated problems, such as nocturnal apnea, a problem that affects both adults and children, and has a negative impact on the quality of life and interferes with school and work ".
And, in anticipation of the World Diabetes Day celebrated on November 14, the experts reaffirm the importance of the correct lifestyles for the prevention of this disease: "Fundamental is the badociation of the movement to adequate nutrition – remember Felice Strollo, endocrinologist of San Raffaele Termini (Rome) – Travel is very important: the World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes a week for regular movements, or 20 to 30 minutes a day, which allows us to feel right now, but also in the future: initiatives such as the "Health Place" are very meritorious, reach the population and clearly show that the doctor is close to the citizens, "he concludes.

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