Health: Fat Diets and High Cholesterol Threat the Risk of Prostate


Rome, July 16 (AdnKronos Health) – The hypercholesterolemia also "splits" the risk of developing some important diseases of the prostate: benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and cancer. This is confirmed by two international studies: the first, published in the journal "Prostate", took into account about 36,000 men aged 40 to 99, including nearly 9,000 with high cholesterol, followed for a period between 1 and 14 years old. The long period of surveillance showed that men with a clear tendency to maintain or develop high levels of cholesterol (hyperlipidemia or hypercholesterolemia), "supported" even by a heavy diet, high in fat, had about 25% probability to cause a hypertrophy of the prostate (Ipb). Indeed, 13% of Ipb cases are registered in the group at highest risk of hyperlipidemia compared to less than 6% in men with normal cholesterol levels.
A relevant finding considering that, according to estimates published by the Italian Society of Urology (Siu), the Ipb affects 5-10% of men aged 40 and up to 80% of men between 70 and 80 years old. years, while hyperlipidemia affects 34% of men, with peaks of 68% for bad (Ldl). But that's not all: according to a German retrospective study, published in "Oncotarget," hypercholesterolemia synergistically with statin therapy could also induce a "malignant" action on the prostate , promoting the eventual appearance of a tumor, even in an aggressive form. The research focused on more than 767 men with localized prostate tumors and waiting for radical prostatectomy: among these, patients with hypercholesterolemia had an incidence greater than 37% for the development of a poorly differentiated prostate tumor to histologies. locally advanced and / or aggressive, with lymph node involvement in 19% of cases.
A second demonstration, therefore, that high cholesterol is a "heavy" risk factor and promotes prostate cancer, even in the most severe forms, with a probability ratio of 0.49 if badociated with the disease. 39, use of statins. These topics will be at the center of the "Controllati2018" campaign, organized in Italian pharmacies by the Italian Society of Urology, which will begin in November. In the meantime, tips and information on the site
"These two studies – commented Vincenzo Mirone, director of the Department of Urology at Federico II University of Naples and head of communication of the Italian Society of Urology – confirm the importance of cholesterol levels, not only to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and the development of metabolic syndrome, but also prostate diseases and cancer in particular.In this second case, the phenomenon is due to the fact that all cells have need cholesterol to grow, however, excessive levels can stimulate uncontrolled cell growth, it has been shown that prostate cancer cells contain higher cholesterol levels than normal cells because cancer cells have developed a very personal mechanism to overcome the processes of control and regulation of cholesterol levels, so that i l ends up accumulating out of proportion inducing the formation of the tumor ".
It is only recently, thanks to an American study of the Duke Cancer Institute published in Cancer Research last year, that the person responsible for this "build-up" of cholesterol is primarily a gene – CYP274A1 – of which l & # 39; 39, expression in prostate tumors in an advanced or aggressive form, it is very weak. "This means – concludes Mirone – that the gene becomes unable to adequately and efficiently dispose of excess cholesterol, an already important but inconclusive discovery because it remains to be seen how to restore the activity of this gene, c & rsquo; Ie if its action for example, it can be supported by the creation of "smart" drugs capable of inhibiting the production of cholesterol in the tumor.Therefore, preventively and waiting for scientific answers, the useful and necessary strategy is to intervene on the correction of the diet, the intake of fats ".
Here are the 10 urologists' tips for keeping cholesterol levels up to standard and promote prostate health:
1) Eating cereals, legumes and vegetables, high in fiber and low in cholesterol
2) Fish, mainly blue rich in omega 3, at least 2 or 3 times a week, cooked on the grill, in foil or steam (to further limit the intake of fat)
3) Low oil and seasonings, avoid butter, lard or lard
4) The meat, both red and white, but preferring white and lean cuts
5) Fruits, especially red fruits (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries) which have an antioxidant power and contain abundant amounts of vitamin C
6) Many vegetables, especially cooked tomatoes rich in lycopene and broccoli or cauliflowers that have anti-tumor action
7) Favor nuts for snacks, especially nuts and almonds because they are rich in protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins and unsaturated fats
8) Drink like green tea that has a beneficial effect on the prostate thanks to catechins and epicatechin
9) Avoid excessive use of eggs especially yellow because it is high in cholesterol
10) Prohibition of spices, processed meats and sausages that infest and promote the occurrence of prostate disease

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