Health: Osteoarthritis affects 5 million people in Italy


What are the safest therapies and the most effective remedies for arthritis patients? If on the one hand the replacement of the joint by a partial or total prosthesis can be the solution to a severe and disabling functional limitation, the possibility of effectively treating the painful symptoms by appropriate pharmacological and / or physiotherapeutic treatments , badisted by joint infiltration, could allow a lower recourse to prosthetic surgery, which sees Italy in first place in Europe, helping to contain the significant costs borne by the Ssn.

The joints are hinges that over time undergo physiological wear and, if used little or badly, they can change. It is therefore sometimes necessary to replace them to allow daily life, in some cases even a recovery of physical and sports activities.

On the other hand, infiltrative therapy is a very important tool among the therapeutic options for specialized setting. This was discussed in a refresher course in Santa Cesarea Terme (Lecce), promoted by Medinforma in collaboration with Simg and the patronage of the College of Physicians, Scientific Director Lucio Catamo, who heads the OR of the Villa Torri Hospital in Bologna. The event compared dozens of general practitioners, physiatrists, specialists in orthopedics and trauma, physiotherapists

OA is one of the most common chronic diseases in the population and the main cause of Disability in the elderly. In Italy, more than 5 million people are affected, with projections showing exponential growth of the disease in the coming years and social health spending. As a result, implanted prostheses will grow: Italy is among the leading countries in Europe with more than 200,000 operations a year.

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