Health: The wallet diet reduces many risk factors for heart disease, here's what


Researchers at the University of Toronto found that the diet an herbal diet that had already reduced cholesterol levels also reduced other risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension triglycerides and inflammation . In addition to reducing LDL cholesterol from about 30% when combined with a diet low in saturated fat, researchers found that diet limits other factors for a reduction of 13% of the general risk of coronary heart disease, such as angina and heart attack

The researchers conducted a meta-badysis that combined the results of 7 controlled clinical trials of more than 400 patients and found that risk factors varied from 2% for hypertension to 32% for inflammation . The study was published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.

The portfolio plan has 4 main components. Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, it comprises 45 grams of walnuts ; 50 grams of vegetable protein (such as soybean) or legume (such as beans and peas); 20 grams of soluble viscous fibers oats, eggplant, apple, etc .; 2 grams of plant sterols (natural compounds that hinder the absorption of cholesterol).

 Heart Changes in diet and lifestyle can help patients manage high risks of cholesterol and cardiovascular disease and this study provides additional motivation in this direction. difficult for some patients, but many find that incorporating additional vegetable food offers significant benefits. " One positive thing about the diet is that the effects are extra, so it's best to adopt one or more components rather than adopting any ," says John Sievenpiper, professor Associate of the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of To The results of the study on inflammation are particularly exciting. Evidence shows that inflammation plays a role in cardiovascular disease, but recent studies have also linked to other diseases, including tumors . Some patients choose to feed the portfolio for ethical and environmental reasons, since vegetarian diets have a lower ecological footprint than western diets, and for children, to prevent future health problems.

" consider this diet, from its overall importance to the health of all life.We start telling patients" This diet will help you achieve your cholesterol goals, but it will also improve blood lipids and blood pressure and reduce inflammation. "The same thing does not apply to drugs, which often produce side effects ," concluded Sievenpiper.

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