Heat worsens several diseases, the advice of WHO to defend itself


"Heat can trigger heat stroke but it can also aggravate existing conditions, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, kidney or mental diseases": to prevent, given the torrid days that lie ahead, it's a good thing. is the World Health Organization (WHO), which points out that: "Europe is experiencing a very hot summer and should continue for the next few weeks."

High Temperatures and Health

"Professionals from Health and public health authorities – WHO explains – must be prepared to cope with summer heatwaves and the possible health consequences of heat exposure. Indeed, each year, high temperatures affect the health of many people, especially the elderly, newborns, people working outside and chronic patients. However, "the adverse health effects caused by heat are largely preventable through good practice".

Avoid intense activity during the hottest hours

First of all, when it is very hot, it is important to stay calm and cool, "as even the most difficult time. anxiety and agitation can increase hot flashes. To keep the house cool, "open the windows at night to cool the apartment but use blinds or shutters during the day."

Public buildings with air conditioning

Shopping, balcony layout, visit a friend: better avoid doing these activities and others during the hottest time of the day and 'if necessary, pbad 2 -3 hours a day in a cool place, like an air-conditioned public building.

avoid alcohol and caffeine

It is therefore essential to keep the body fresh and hydrated, to use light and loose clothing, to take showers or refreshing baths, to drink regularly avoiding alcohol and caffeine. or headache, move as quickly as possible to a cool place and measure your body temperature. Drink water or fruit juice to rehydrate.

If a family member is at risk, help him

In case of muscle spasms, drink oral rehydration solutions containing electrolytes and ask for help if thermal cramps last longer. An hour. Finally, says the WHO, "while you take care of yourself, plan to monitor your family, friends, and neighbors who spend most of their time alone. If anyone you know is at risk, help him get advice and support. "

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