Here are the foods to fill with vitamin D



Vitamin D: for what it is, where it is and consequences of a deficiency – Editorial

Vitamin D is important for our body: it helps to absorb calcium , stimulates the immune system and strengthens the bones.

The main source of vitamin D is the sun, but it is also important to eat well. Let's find out more about vitamin D!

Vitamin D, also known as the sun's vitamin, is very important for our body. Its main function is to stimulate the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus: it promotes the mineralization of teeth and bones, making them stronger and stronger.

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It also helps protect the heart and the nervous system as well as strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia and bone fragility in adults.

the subjects most at risk of vitamin deficiency are those who spend little time in the sun and who do not consume vitamin D.

In case of deficiency, it is possible to resort to supplements which must always be taken after medical consultation. 19659011] Vitamin D: What is it used for and where it is

The main function of vitamin D is to help calcium to settle in the bones of the aura

It is also important for the nervous system and for heart health because calcium and phosphorus are essential for cardiac activity.

In the right dose, vitamin D is also It also helps reduce the recurrence of asthma and allergies and prevents the flu because it boosts the immune system.

Vitamin D would also help stop the growth of cancer cells: a study published in 2007 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that in postmenopausal women who regularly took the right doses of calcium and vitamin D , there was a nearly 80% decrease in the risk of developing bad cancer.

produced by the skin and needs the sun to be synthesized: just expose the face, arms and legs to the sun for 15 minutes four times a week to encourage production. 9659008] Vitamin D is also present in certain foods such as eggs, dairy products, cod liver oil and salmon, it is also consumed in food.

In vitamin D deficiency supplements: pregnant and badfeeding women, the elderly, children, but also menopausal women should monitor vitamin D levels and avoid deficiencies that may be harmful at these stages of life.

What are the richest foods in Vitamin D

Salmon: Salmon is rich in "good" omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and vitamin D which promotes the absorption of calcium in the bone.

Ideal food for those with bone problems: 100 grams of smoked salmon contains 685 IU (about 25 micrograms) of vitamin D.

Cod Liver Oil: Oil cod liver is very rich in vitamin D, baste It would take a tablespoon a day to cover the entire daily needs of this important vitamin

Consume cod liver oil regularly helps to prevent osteoporosis and improves the functioning of the brain.

Unfortunately, it does not fall Mediterranean diet and usually we do not find it on our tables

Tuna, sardines and mackerel: fish is the food that contains the greater amount of vitamin D.

It can be consumed as an alternative to cod liver oil: 90 gr. tuna provides 50% of the daily requirements of vitamin D while a small tin of sardines provides 70%

Dairy Products: according to the National Research Institute of 39; diet and nutrition (INRAN) Italians mainly consume vitamin D from dairy products: milk, yogurts, cheeses ensure a good intake not only of vitamin D but also of calcium, both essential to ensure good bone health .

] eggs are also rich in vitamin D, especially in the yolk: eating an egg guarantees 10% of the daily requirements for vitamin D.

Even seafood, therefore mussels, clams and oysters are valued for their level of vitamin D

Do not forget about caviar and fish eggs that contain about 117 IU per 100 grams of product

How much vitamin D to take per day?

The daily vitamin D requirements for adults come from 5 micrograms per day. Amount up to 10 micrograms for children, pregnant women and adults aged 50 to 70.

More than 70 years, the recommended daily dose of vitamin D is 15 micrograms a day.

More than 60 years of age and above menopause is particularly important not to fall below 10 micrograms per day

For this, in case of deficiencies, it is important to consult a doctor who will recommend supplements.

Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms and consequences

The body lacking the right dose of vitamin D has symptoms that are not underestimated and that indicate a deficiency: bone pain, muscle weakness , mood swings, sadness, sweating of the hands.

Other more serious symptoms may be heart problems and asthma in children. The consequences of vitamin D deficiency also vary greatly depending on age, but also on where you live. Here are some examples:

Rickets: occurs mostly in children due to lack of sun exposure or food shortages.

It is important that pregnant and lactating women also maintain their level of control. Vitamin D, to prevent problems of rickets in children

Osteomalacia and osteoporosis : due to a chronic vitamin D deficiency in adults that involves bone fragility [19659008] Autoimmune Diseases : Low Levels of Vitamin D May Increase Risk of Autoimmune Disease, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Type 1 Diabetes

Depression: it is a risk that people living in the Nordic countries, because of the low sun exposure for several months of the year

In these cases it is important to integrate the lack of vitamin D that also helps to increase serotonin levels, the Hormone of Happiness.

Vitamin D deficiency can also increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or suffering from heart disease. It could also promote the development of psoriasis. Source:

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