Here is the last folly of grillini: "In quarantine vaccinated children"


M5 regional advisers, Daniele Barillari and Roberta Lombardi, presented an absurd proposal of a regional law to "free" – according to them – Lazio from the obligation of vaccines . Barillari and Lombardi speak for "prevention" against vaccines and "democratization". Big words that look more like a provocation than a threat. Indeed. Their words and thus the text deposited and inserted in the Rousseau platform, is an anti-vax manifesto brought to the extreme and which contrasts with the more moderate line of the minister (also pentastellata) Giulia Grillo .

But what does the bill (crazy) of both grillini provide? Daniele Barillari and Roberta Lombardi suggest stopping any requirement, a personalized test with pre- and post-vaccine badyzes and even quarantine periods of four to six weeks for those vaccinated. On Facebook, the city councilor tries to give more reference to their idea. And in doing so, he mentioned some experts who asked questions. And who are they? They are those who fight against chemtrails .

The absurd proposal provides for "a joint vaccination process by a comprehensive pre-vaccination screening that allows the badessment of the conditions of the subject concerned" and then a "post-administration inoculum screening trial" so to be able to evaluate any type of potential adverse reaction. "The personalized pathway also involves" close relatives ", the pediatrician or the general practitioner will have to collect a detailed medical history of the parents, close relatives and the child, considering all the factors that influence the health of the latter in its entirety. "Everything is simple and clear, then?

But the bill that thinks big does not stop there, because Article 11 deals with quarantine : "The school guarantees that it is respected the quarantine period of 4-6 weeks for the subject just to be vaccinated with an attenuated virus in order to avoid infections induced by the same precautionary principle. "This means that those who will be vaccinated will have to stay at home for 30/40 days, certainly not young students will be happy, institutions a little less.

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