Hereditary – The Roots of Evil, here are two new Italian horror clips with Toni Collette


Lucky red releases two new Italian clips of Hereditary – The Roots of Evil horror written and directed by Ari Aster with Tony Collette ] ( here you can read our review).

The film follows the story of the Graham family. After the death of the lonely grandmother, the figure of the deceased matriarch continues to cast a shadow over the family, especially about Charlie, the teenage granddaughter who has always drawn an unusual charm to the woman . When terror absorbs and overwhelms the family, the mother is forced to explore the dark and unhappy destiny that has remained an inheritance.

The film will arrive in our theaters on July 25th. You can see a clip at the top of the page and the second one below:

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This is the official synopsis:

When the old Ellen dies, the members of her family slowly begin to discover a series of dark and terrifying secrets about their family that force them to face the tragic fate that they seem to have inherited. Writer and director Ari Aster turns a family tragedy into something disastrous and deeply troubling, pushing the genre of horror onto a new, even more terrifying terrain.


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